Ukrainian army TV
releases showing aftermath of militant Grad shelling of Avdiyivka
A video showing the consequences of a militant attack on the older part
of the Ukrainian-controlled town of Avdiyivka in Donbas from the enemy's
122mm Grad-P portable rocket launchers was uploaded on YouTube channel
by the Military Television of Ukraine.
12:00, 24 May 2017
The State Emergency Service officers show what's left of the exploded
shells. A representative of the local police said that one person was
wounded in the head as a result of the militant shelling of Avdiyivka.
As UNIAN reported earlier, on May 23, Russia's hybrid military forces
mounted an attack on the old part of the Ukrainian-controlled town of
Avdiyivka in Donbas, using 122mm Grad-P portable rocket launchers.
"Rockets have hit houses at 96 Kolosova Street and 3 Levanevskoho
Street. Fortunately, no one was injured there, [but] at 45 Lermontova
Street, a local man was wounded in the head," deputy chief of the
National Police of Ukraine and chief of the local police in Donetsk
region Viacheslav Abroskin wrote on Facebook on Tuesday, May 23.
Read more on UNIAN:
Een beschieting met 122 millimeter Grad-P raketten heeft flinke schade aangericht in het oude deel van Avdiivka. Eén inwoner van de al bijna anderhalf jaar door pro-Russische rebellen belaagde stad raakte gewond aan zijn hoofd. Het ging om een bewoner van een bij de aanval vernielde woning aan de Lermontovastraat. Ook een Oekraïense soldaat raakte gewond bij Avdiivka.Read more on UNIAN:
Bronnen: Unian, YouTube
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