Waar het de bedoeling was om de Oekraïense onwil om de destijds gemaakte afspraken na te komen, ging Jeltsjenko vól in de aanval. ''In de afgelopen vier jaar heeft Rusland de afspraken over een wapenstilstand maar liefst achttien maal gesaboteerd. Er zijn in die periode 54.000 aanvallen geweest en in bijna 6.000 gevallen zetten de door Rusland aangestuurde rebellen zware wapens in, ondanks de in Minsk gemaakte afspraak dat dit niet meer zou gebeuren.''
Oekraïne heeft de zware wapens wel weggehaald van de frontlijn en de OVSE wordt geregeld voorzien van een overzicht van alle wapens waarover het leger in Oost-Oekraïne beschikt, aldus Jeltsjenko. Hij voegde er aan toe dat pogingen om de zware wapens van de rebellen weg te krijgen uit de omgeving van de havenstad Marioepol keer op keer zijn mislukt.
Bron: Unian
Yelchenko: 35,000
troops in Russia-occupied Donbas supported by over 2,100 members of
Russian military
11:56, 13 February 2019
187 0
As of this February, Russian-armed formations in Donbas have 496 main
battle tanks.
UN Photo/Evan Schneider
UN Photo/Evan Schneider
Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations Volodymyr
Yelchenko has said the 35,000-strong armed force in occupied Donbas is
supported by more than 2,100 members of the Russian military.
"The 35,000-strong armed force in occupied Donbas is supported by more
than 2,100 members of the Russian military," he said at a UN Security
Council meeting on February 12 on the fourth anniversary of the signing
of the Minsk agreements.
Read alsoU.S. envoy at UNSC: Russia must end conflict by withdrawing its
troops from eastern Ukraine, Crimea
"What do these numbers speak of in terms of Russia's real intentions?"
he asked. "Since 2015, Russia has sabotaged implementation of the
ceasefire agreements a total of 18 times," he continued, adding that
there were more than 54,000 ceasefire violations during that period.
"On almost 6,000 occasions, Russian forces used weapon systems
prohibited under the Minsk agreements," he noted, emphasizing that
Ukraine has withdrawn all proscribed weapons and regularly provides the
OSCE with a detailed weapons inventory.
"Yet, there are numerous and regular cases of blatant violations, with
the other side stationing heavy weapons in the immediate vicinity of the
actual contact line, rather than the withdrawal line," Yelchenko
stressed, noting also that there has been no progress in negotiations on
creating an area free of heavy weapons near Mariupol.
"As of this February, Russian-armed formations in Donbas have 496 main
battle tanks in their possession, comparable to the combined arsenals of
Germany and France," he said.
Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/politics/10444401-yelchenko-35-000-troops-in-russia-occupied-donbas-supported-by-over-2-100-members-of-russian-military.html
Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/politics/10444401-yelchenko-35-000-troops-in-russia-occupied-donbas-supported-by-over-2-100-members-of-russian-military.html
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