De situatie in de omgeving van de havenstad Marioepol blijft gespannen rond Starohnativka, Tsjermalik, Talakivka en Vodiane. Het leger reageert hier op vijandelijk vuur van artilleriegeschut, mortieren en pantserwagens.
De separatisten in Donetsk spreken van zes aanvallen van het Oekraïense leger op hun posities bij Horlivka, Sjirokaja Balka en de kolenmijn Gagarin, Belaja Kamenka en Novolaspa. Uit Loehansk komt een melding van twee aanvallen, op de buurtschappen Zelenaja Rostsja en Donetski.
Bronnen: Unian, DAN, Lugansk Media Centre
Donbas update: 3 WIAs
as militants violate ceasefire in all sectors
09:00, 20 June 2018
70 0
The intensity of hostilities decreased overnight Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Russian-occupation forces violated the ceasefire regime 26
times, including three times with the use of heavy weapons banned by the
Minsk agreements, according to the press center of the Joint Forces
Operation HQ.
In the Horlivka direction, militants never ceased attempts to weaken the
defensive lines of Ukraine's Armed Forces in the vicinity of the
Artemove settlement, the JFO HQ wrote on Facebook.
In the Donetsk direction, outside Avdiyivka and Pisky, the invaders
opened provocative fire from small arms.
Read alsoUkraine's Joint Forces show new evidence of Russian military
presence in Donbas (Photo)
The situation in the Mariupol direction remains tense in the areas of
Starohnativka, Chermalyk, Talakivka, and Vodiane.
"JFO units adequately responded to the enemy fire from artillery,
mortars, infantry fighting vehicles and small arms, not allowing the
enemy to improve their tactical position. Yesterday, three of our
servicemen were wounded in action. According to an intelligence report,
three invaders were wounded as well," the report said.
Read alsoDonbas militants shell Ukraine positions, hit medevac vehicle
Overnight Wednesday, the intensity of hostilities decreased.
The fighting prevailed with the use of small arms. As of 7:00 on
Wednesday, no casualties were reported.
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