''Als militairen zeggen we altijd: na een jaar oorlogvoeren waarbij landmijnen worden gebruikt, is er vijf jaar voor nodig om alles weer veilig te krijgen. Als we hulp vanuit het buitenland krijgen, dan kan het in de Donbas tussen de vijf en tien jaar in beslag nemen. Maar moet Oekraïne het straks in z'n eentje opknappen, dan zijn er tientallen jaren voor nodig om alle explosieven op te ruimen'', aldus Romanenko, voormalig tweede man van de generale staf van het Oekraïense leger.
Bron: Unian
A Ukrainian military
expert, Candidate of Military Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
professor, former deputy chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine, Lt. Gen. (Rtd) Ihor Romanenko tells how active military
operations in Donbas could be in 2018, according to Glavred.
"I think it will be possible to halt active hostilities in 2018," he
wrote in a chat on Glavred.
"But it will take years to eliminate other consequences of war. This can
happen if the U.S. and European sanctions are further strengthened, and
UN peacekeepers are introduced into the territory of Ukraine," he said.
Read also
Russia not to allow blocking of border with Donbas - MFA
According to Romanenko, the experience of local wars around the world
shows that overcoming the consequences of confrontation takes years,
even dozens of years. "There is a military assessment: a year of war
where landmines are used will require up to five years to restore the
area. Therefore, if Ukraine does this alone, tens of years will pass,
and if international assistance is provided, it will take up to 5-10
years," the interlocutor said.
Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/war/2322191-ukraine-general-speaks-of-forecast-for-donbas-conflict-in-2018.html
Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/war/2322191-ukraine-general-speaks-of-forecast-for-donbas-conflict-in-2018.html
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