woensdag 4 december 2013

Premier dreigt westelijke regio's geen geld te geven

Premier Mikola Azarov heeft de besturen van de westelijke provincies gedreigd dat ze geen geld meer uit Kiev krijgen als zij geen einde maken aan de aanhoudende stroom van demonstranten naar de hoofdstad. Dat meldt de Financial Times. ''In het bijzonder de plaatsen waar de autoriteiten hebben besloten het werk neer te leggen en mee te gaan in de protesten'', citeert de krant de Oekraïense premier.

De BBC komt met het verhaal dat er in grote delen van Oekraïne geen enkel begrip is voor de opwinding die bezit heeft genomen van de hoofdstad en de westelijke regio's. In het oosten en zuiden zit de bevolking helemaal niet te wachten op toenadering tot Europa. In Donetsk, de thuisbasis van president Viktor Janoekovitsj, werd door slechts 300 voorstanders van de Europese koers gedemonstreerd. Het was in deze stad dat het portret van Janoekovitsj werd verbrand.

De lokale communistische voorman Vira Roedneva meent dat de meeste inwoners van Donetsk geen nauwere banden willen met de EU. "Ze willen een referendum, waarbij iedereen kan aangeven wat hij of zij wil'', aldus Roedneva met een verwijzing naar het referendum dat zijn partij graag wil houden om aan te tonen dat de meeste Oekraïners eigenlijk liever aansluiting willen bij de Euraziatische Unie.

Bronnen: Financial Times, BBC
Ukrainian PM Mykola Azarov has warned that administrations in the pro-European western parts of the country may end up being cut off from state budget.
Azarov referred to the housands of western Ukrainians who continue to flock to the capital Kiev in order to join the ongoing massive anti-government rallies.
“I want to direct particular attention to those separate local communities in the west of the country, where some . . . regional governments have halted work to take part in the protests,” Azarov has said, as cited by The Financial Times.
“Such amorality and irresponsibility by local officials could lead to a situation where at the central level money is disbursed, but will not reach the end receivers due to local government that is not working.”
Mass protests have taken place in Ukraine over the past two weeks, with demonstrators opposing a government decision not to sign a deal on closer EU ties.
Protesters are demanding the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych's government and new elections. President Yanukovych says Russian pressure was behind his decision not to sign the deal.
- See more at: http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=156130#sthash.Q19FiPzi.dpuf
Ukrainian PM Mykola Azarov has warned that administrations in the pro-European western parts of the country may end up being cut off from state budget.
Azarov referred to the housands of western Ukrainians who continue to flock to the capital Kiev in order to join the ongoing massive anti-government rallies.
“I want to direct particular attention to those separate local communities in the west of the country, where some . . . regional governments have halted work to take part in the protests,” Azarov has said, as cited by The Financial Times.
“Such amorality and irresponsibility by local officials could lead to a situation where at the central level money is disbursed, but will not reach the end receivers due to local government that is not working.”
Mass protests have taken place in Ukraine over the past two weeks, with demonstrators opposing a government decision not to sign a deal on closer EU ties.
Protesters are demanding the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych's government and new elections. President Yanukovych says Russian pressure was behind his decision not to sign the deal.
- See more at: http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=156130#sthash.Q19FiPzi.dpuf
Ukrainian PM Mykola Azarov has warned that administrations in the pro-European western parts of the country may end up being cut off from state budget.
Azarov referred to the housands of western Ukrainians who continue to flock to the capital Kiev in order to join the ongoing massive anti-government rallies.
“I want to direct particular attention to those separate local communities in the west of the country, where some . . . regional governments have halted work to take part in the protests,” Azarov has said, as cited by The Financial Times.
“Such amorality and irresponsibility by local officials could lead to a situation where at the central level money is disbursed, but will not reach the end receivers due to local government that is not working.”
Mass protests have taken place in Ukraine over the past two weeks, with demonstrators opposing a government decision not to sign a deal on closer EU ties.
Protesters are demanding the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych's government and new elections. President Yanukovych says Russian pressure was behind his decision not to sign the deal.
- See more at: http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=156130#sthash.Q19FiPzi.dpuf

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