De legerleiding maakte gisteren al melding van een aanval op Oekraïense grenswachten vanaf Russisch grondgebied. Deze aanval zou rond het middaguur plaats hebben gehad in de omgeving van het dorp Oesjakivka in de provincie Loehanks. Er zou met geweren op de grenswachten zijn geschoten. Die raakten niet gewond. Er werd niet teruggeschoten, aldus de legerleiding die de aanval af doet als ''een provocatie''.
Bron: Unian
Ukraine reports 1 WIA
in Mariupol sector amid 4 enemy attacks in last day
09:40, 09 February 2018
39 0
The enemy employed mortars of various calibers, brazenly violating the
Minsk agreements.
Lana Borisova / Facebook
Lana Borisova / Facebook
Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in
Donbas four times in the past 24 hours, with one Ukrainian soldier
reported as wounded in action (WIA).
The second half of the past day, starting at about 17:30 Kyiv time, saw
no ceasefire violations.
However, militants' fire activity was recorded in the daytime. The enemy
continued to use mortars of various calibers, brazenly violating the
Minsk agreements, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist
Operation (ATO) Headquarters.
In the Donetsk sector, the occupiers used 120mm mortars against the
Ukrainian positions near the village of Shyrokyne.
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U.S. Mission to OSCE continues insisting Russia behind Donbas war
In addition, the enemy fired 82mm mortars and grenade launchers near the
villages of Pisky and Vodiane.
A total of four enemy shellings were recorded in the past day. A
Ukrainian soldier was injured in one of the attacks. He was promptly
evacuated to a military hospital.
As reported earlier, Ukrainian troops in Luhansk region were fired upon
from the Russian territory.
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