Intussen verblijven nog altijd zo'n 200 actievoerders in de Mihailovska-kathedraal, aldus de nieuwssite Segodnia. Onder hen zouden zich zangeres Ruslana en vijf parlementsleden van de oppositie bevinden. Ze hebben de deuren van de kathedraal gebarricadeerd om te voorkomen dat de politie een inval doet. Volgens ForUm hadden zich aan het begin van de middag zo'n duizend mensen verzameld op het plein voor de kathedraal
Bronnen: Kyiv Post, ABC, FrUm
Pro-EU protesters in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, beaten and dispersed by riot police overnight, have barricaded themselves in the St Michael's (Mihailovska) cathedral on Mihailovska Square.
The news was reported Saturday by the online edition of the newspaper "Segodniya" (Today). 200 people are currently in the cathedral. Popular pop singer Ruslana and five opposition MPs are among them.
The demonstrators have barricaded the doors of the temple to prevent Berkut, the special units of the Ukrainian police, from bursting in. Riot police have piled buses and trucks in the area.
According to the correspondent of "Segodniya," many of the demonstrators have injuries, bleeding heads, and have been, obviously, subjected to violence. Doctors have arrived in the cathedral to provide help and treatment to the injured.
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The news was reported Saturday by the online edition of the newspaper "Segodniya" (Today). 200 people are currently in the cathedral. Popular pop singer Ruslana and five opposition MPs are among them.
The demonstrators have barricaded the doors of the temple to prevent Berkut, the special units of the Ukrainian police, from bursting in. Riot police have piled buses and trucks in the area.
According to the correspondent of "Segodniya," many of the demonstrators have injuries, bleeding heads, and have been, obviously, subjected to violence. Doctors have arrived in the cathedral to provide help and treatment to the injured.
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