Savtsjenko volgt met haar oproep tot vervroegde verkiezingen Joelia Timosjenko, de leider van de Moederlandpartij waarvoor de 35-jarige Oekraïense in het parlement zit. De Moederlandpartij scoort uitstekend in de peilingen, dit in tegenstelling tot Solidariteit, de partij van president Petro Porosjenko. Die is dan ook faliekant tegen vervroegde verkiezingen die volgens hem leiden tot volstrekte chaos in het land.
In een interview met het persagentschap Associated Press omschrijft Savtsjenko haar verhouding tot president Porosjenko als ''zakelijk''. Over Rusland zegt ze dat de Verenigde Staten en de Europese bondgenoten meer druk moeten uitoefenen. ''Ze moeten Rusland terecht wijzen. Doen ze dat niet, dan groeien de Russische ambities alleen maar en stevenen we af op een nieuwe wereldoorlog.''
Savtsjenko vindt dat het mogelijk moet zijn om met de leiders van de separatisten in gesprek te gaan. ''Blijven we ze negeren, dan komt er nooit een einde aan deze oorlog.'' Voordat het tot onderhandelingen komt met Alexander Zachartsjenko (Donetsk) en Igor Plotnitski (Loehansk) moeten volgens Savtsjenko wel eerst de Russische soldaten weg zijn uit Oost-Oekraïne en moet de grens met Rusland zijn afgegrendeld.
Ook toont ze zich vergevingsgezind tegenover het gros van de separatisten. ''De Russische propaganda heeft bij hen z'n werk gedaan, ze meenden er goed aan te doen om er voor te vechten. Voor zover het geen brute moordenaars, verkrachters en plunderaars betreft, vind ik dat ze amnestie moeten krijgen. We moeten leren om te vergeven om eenheid in ons land te krijgen.''
Bron: Unian
Ukrainian pilot and MP
Nadia Savchenko on Friday called for early parliamentary elections to
"infuse fresh blood" into Ukraine's politics, a call that could send
shock waves across the volatile nation.
14:31, 11 June 2016
Photo from UNIAN
Photo from UNIAN
Savchenko, 35, who has become a national icon in Ukraine after spending
two years in a Russian prison, told The Associated Press that the
"Ukrainian people deserve a better government that they now have."
She said that the Ukrainian government has failed public expectations
raised by the ouster of the country's former Moscow-friendly president,
Viktor Yanukovych, who was driven from power in February 2014 after
months of massive street protests on Kiev's main square, the Maidan.
"The longer this dishonorable government leads us, the further back
toward a precipice it will drive us," Savchenko said, speaking with
emphasis. "People believed in it after the Maidan; they gave a big
credit of trust to the government, which it has failed."
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and his allies in the ruling
parliament coalition strongly oppose early elections, arguing that they
would only foment instability and deepen the country's economic crisis.
With the popularity of Poroshenko and his coalition partners sinking
amid economic troubles, an early vote would likely leave them with far
fewer seats in parliament.
"This government is sinking like the Titanic," she said. "The more
people see that this government is hurting them, the quicker they will
ask it to step down."
Read also
Savchenko: "Ready to talk with enemy and friend" for release of hostages
Savchenko voiced hope that voters next time will make a more thoughtful
choice and won't sell their votes.
She didn't say when she thinks the early parliamentary election should
be held, and described her relationship with Poroshenko as
Savchenko told the AP that the U.S. and its allies should exert more
pressure on Russia to make it honor a Ukraine peace deal to avert what
she described as the danger of another world war over Ukraine. She spoke
about Ukraine as the last frontier protecting Europe from Russia's
"imperial tyranny."
"The international community must show Russia its place," Savchenko
said. "If it doesn't happen, Russia will show its ambitions to the
international community, and it may slide into a third world war."
At the same time, Savchenko said she believes it's possible to hold
talks with separatist leaders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Alexander
Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky. "If there are no such talks, we will
never have peace on our Ukrainian land," Savchenko said, adding that the
withdrawal of Russian soldiers and the sealing of Ukraine's border with
Russia must precede such negotiations.
She also argued that rebels who haven't committed war crimes could be
"It won't refer to looters, brutal killers or rapists who broke the
boundaries of humanity," she said. "Some people have fallen under the
spell of the Russian propaganda and have gone to fight for those ideas.
Those people, who haven't crossed the boundary, naturally should be
"We must learn to forgive, otherwise we won't be able to exist as a
single country," Savchenko added.
Read more on UNIAN:
Read more on UNIAN:
Ukrainian pilot and MP
Nadia Savchenko on Friday called for early parliamentary elections to
"infuse fresh blood" into Ukraine's politics, a call that could send
shock waves across the volatile nation.
14:31, 11 June 2016
Photo from UNIAN
Photo from UNIAN
Savchenko, 35, who has become a national icon in Ukraine after spending
two years in a Russian prison, told The Associated Press that the
"Ukrainian people deserve a better government that they now have."
She said that the Ukrainian government has failed public expectations
raised by the ouster of the country's former Moscow-friendly president,
Viktor Yanukovych, who was driven from power in February 2014 after
months of massive street protests on Kiev's main square, the Maidan.
"The longer this dishonorable government leads us, the further back
toward a precipice it will drive us," Savchenko said, speaking with
emphasis. "People believed in it after the Maidan; they gave a big
credit of trust to the government, which it has failed."
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and his allies in the ruling
parliament coalition strongly oppose early elections, arguing that they
would only foment instability and deepen the country's economic crisis.
With the popularity of Poroshenko and his coalition partners sinking
amid economic troubles, an early vote would likely leave them with far
fewer seats in parliament.
"This government is sinking like the Titanic," she said. "The more
people see that this government is hurting them, the quicker they will
ask it to step down."
Read also
Savchenko: "Ready to talk with enemy and friend" for release of hostages
Savchenko voiced hope that voters next time will make a more thoughtful
choice and won't sell their votes.
She didn't say when she thinks the early parliamentary election should
be held, and described her relationship with Poroshenko as
Savchenko told the AP that the U.S. and its allies should exert more
pressure on Russia to make it honor a Ukraine peace deal to avert what
she described as the danger of another world war over Ukraine. She spoke
about Ukraine as the last frontier protecting Europe from Russia's
"imperial tyranny."
"The international community must show Russia its place," Savchenko
said. "If it doesn't happen, Russia will show its ambitions to the
international community, and it may slide into a third world war."
At the same time, Savchenko said she believes it's possible to hold
talks with separatist leaders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Alexander
Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky. "If there are no such talks, we will
never have peace on our Ukrainian land," Savchenko said, adding that the
withdrawal of Russian soldiers and the sealing of Ukraine's border with
Russia must precede such negotiations.
She also argued that rebels who haven't committed war crimes could be
"It won't refer to looters, brutal killers or rapists who broke the
boundaries of humanity," she said. "Some people have fallen under the
spell of the Russian propaganda and have gone to fight for those ideas.
Those people, who haven't crossed the boundary, naturally should be
"We must learn to forgive, otherwise we won't be able to exist as a
single country," Savchenko added.
Read more on UNIAN:
Read more on UNIAN:
Ukrainian pilot and MP
Nadia Savchenko on Friday called for early parliamentary elections to
"infuse fresh blood" into Ukraine's politics, a call that could send
shock waves across the volatile nation.
14:31, 11 June 2016
Photo from UNIAN
Photo from UNIAN
Savchenko, 35, who has become a national icon in Ukraine after spending
two years in a Russian prison, told The Associated Press that the
"Ukrainian people deserve a better government that they now have."
She said that the Ukrainian government has failed public expectations
raised by the ouster of the country's former Moscow-friendly president,
Viktor Yanukovych, who was driven from power in February 2014 after
months of massive street protests on Kiev's main square, the Maidan.
"The longer this dishonorable government leads us, the further back
toward a precipice it will drive us," Savchenko said, speaking with
emphasis. "People believed in it after the Maidan; they gave a big
credit of trust to the government, which it has failed."
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and his allies in the ruling
parliament coalition strongly oppose early elections, arguing that they
would only foment instability and deepen the country's economic crisis.
With the popularity of Poroshenko and his coalition partners sinking
amid economic troubles, an early vote would likely leave them with far
fewer seats in parliament.
"This government is sinking like the Titanic," she said. "The more
people see that this government is hurting them, the quicker they will
ask it to step down."
Read also
Savchenko: "Ready to talk with enemy and friend" for release of hostages
Savchenko voiced hope that voters next time will make a more thoughtful
choice and won't sell their votes.
She didn't say when she thinks the early parliamentary election should
be held, and described her relationship with Poroshenko as
Savchenko told the AP that the U.S. and its allies should exert more
pressure on Russia to make it honor a Ukraine peace deal to avert what
she described as the danger of another world war over Ukraine. She spoke
about Ukraine as the last frontier protecting Europe from Russia's
"imperial tyranny."
"The international community must show Russia its place," Savchenko
said. "If it doesn't happen, Russia will show its ambitions to the
international community, and it may slide into a third world war."
At the same time, Savchenko said she believes it's possible to hold
talks with separatist leaders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Alexander
Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky. "If there are no such talks, we will
never have peace on our Ukrainian land," Savchenko said, adding that the
withdrawal of Russian soldiers and the sealing of Ukraine's border with
Russia must precede such negotiations.
She also argued that rebels who haven't committed war crimes could be
"It won't refer to looters, brutal killers or rapists who broke the
boundaries of humanity," she said. "Some people have fallen under the
spell of the Russian propaganda and have gone to fight for those ideas.
Those people, who haven't crossed the boundary, naturally should be
"We must learn to forgive, otherwise we won't be able to exist as a
single country," Savchenko added.
Read more on UNIAN:
Read more on UNIAN:
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