Die afgelopen november door het parlement aangenomen wet was weliswaar omstreden, maar heeft wel het beoogde resultaat gehad. Nu moeten de radiozenders tenminste een kwart van de muzieknummers in de Oekraïense taal draaien. In november gaat dat omhoog naar 30 procent en in november 2018 zelfs naar 35 procent. ''Er is heel wat over af gediscussieerd, maar nu zien we dat er langzaam maar zeker meer liedjes in onze eigen taal worden gedraaid'', zei de president er over.
Hij vindt dat er op de televisie ontzettend weinig Oekraïens te horen valt. ''Ontoelaatbaar'', oordeelde Porosjenko. Hij voegde er aan toe dat hij afgelopen zomer al een oproep heeft gedaan aan de televisieproducers om daar wat aan te doen, maar dat heeft nauwelijks effect gehad. ''Daarom moeten we het maar bij wet gaan regelen.''
Boekenuitgevers en filmproducers hebben al wel hun bijdragen geleverd aan het promoten van de eigen taal. ''Afgelopen jaar zijn meer dan dertig Oekraïense films uitgebracht. Geen aantal dat indruk gaat maken in Hollywood of in Bollywood, maar voor ons is het een record aantal sinds ons land onafhankelijk werd. Belangrijk is dat onze films niet alleen in eigen land goed worden bekeken, maar ook in het buitenland.''
Porosjenko wil dan wel de Oekraïense taal voorop stellen, maar vindt ook dat minderheden in het land geen strobreed in de weg gelegd mag worden als zij hun eigen taal willen spreken. Hij noemde zangeres Jamala als goed voorbeeld: zij won immers het Eurovisie Songfestival vorig jaar met een nummer in het Krimtataars.
Bron: Unian
Poroshenko vows
increase in share of Ukrainian on TV
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says he stands for increasing the
share of Ukrainian-language content on television in Ukraine, according
to the president's press service.
15:51, 09 March 2017
Photo from UNIAN
Photo from UNIAN
"We should continue our efforts to expand the presence of a national
cultural product," he said at an official ceremony to award the Taras
Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine in Kyiv on Thursday, the press
service reported.
In his words, despite resistance to the law on quotas for Ukrainian
music on the national radio, it has brought positive results and
promoted Ukrainian music.
"A year after our last meeting, the adopted law has demonstrated
significant results in promoting Ukrainian songs and the language on
radio. Do you remember how many disputes and attacks we've faced?
However, step-by-step the share of the Ukrainian language on the air has
been growing," he said.
"I will propose the same technology for television soon. The share of
the Ukrainian language on TV is inadmissibly small now," the president
He recalled he had urged representatives of the TV industry last summer
to self-organize in that issue. "Unfortunately, not everyone has heard
me. That is why, the legislators must have their say," he said.
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The president added that national cinematography and the publication of
books have demonstrated recovery as well, and proven their
competitiveness. "Over 30 Ukrainian movies were released last year. Of
course, this figure will not impress Hollywood or Bollywood, but it is a
record high in our independence. Today, we are looking for an efficient
formula to promote national cinematography, but the most important
thing is that it was assessed and supported by Ukrainian and
international viewers," Poroshenko said.
In his words, Ukraine is represented by distinctive cultures of its
national minorities. A vivid example of that is the victory of Crimean
Tatar singer Jamala at the Eurovision song contest in 2016, he added.
At the same time, the Ukrainian president emphasized that not a single
Ukrainian regardless of national identity must face any restrictions in
meeting linguistic and cultural needs.
As UNIAN reported earlier, in November 2016, new rules came into force
requiring Ukraine's radio stations to play a quota of Ukrainian-language
songs each day. At least a quarter of a radio station's daily playlist
should be in Ukrainian, rising to 30% in 12 months' time and 35% a year
after that.
Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/politics/1815187-poroshenko-vows-increase-in-share-of-ukrainian-on-tv.html
Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/politics/1815187-poroshenko-vows-increase-in-share-of-ukrainian-on-tv.html
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