Zij spreekt haar bezorgdheid uit over de visie die de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump heeft op het conflict. Trump vindt het opheffen van de economische sancties tegen Rusland bespreekbaar. Hij heeft de voormalige Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Henry Kissinger naar verluidt gevraagd om een plan op te stellen waardoor de relatie met Rusland verbeterd kan worden. Oekraïne vreest het kind van de rekening te worden.
De sancties moeten overeind blijven totdat Rusland de afspraken van Minsk-2 is nagekomen. Dat betekent geen steun meer aan de separatisten in de Donbas en de grens met Rusland weer geheel onder Oekraïense controle. ''Die sancties zijn het enige machtsmiddel dat we hebben tegenover Rusland, en ook dat machtsmiddel dreigt ons ontnomen te worden.''
Niet alleen Trump, maar ook de Franse presidentskandidaat Francois Fillon wil van de sancties af die hij maandag nog ''volstrekt ineffectief'' noemde. De andere presidentskandidaat Marine LePen is sowieso op de hand van Rusland.
Zerkal, gisteren in Berlijn voor gesprekken met regeringsfunctionarissen, heeft haar hoop nu gevestigd op de Duitse bondskanselier Angela Merkel. ''Zij is nog de enige die met Poetin over kan halen om datgene te doen wat juist is, of hem over te halen datgene wat fout is niet te doen.''
Bron: Unian
Ukraine demands say in
any Russia-U.S. talks to end conflict on its territory – media
Ukraine must have a say in any deal struck between Russia and the United
States aimed at ending violence in eastern Ukraine, its deputy foreign
minister said on Wednesday, according to Reuters.
10:57, 26 January 2017
Photo from UNIAN
Photo from UNIAN
Ukraine, which has been battling pro-Russian separatists in its eastern
Donbas region for nearly three years, is worried that U.S. President
Donald Trump will cut Kyiv out of any peace negotiations as he attempts
to improve ties with Moscow.
"Because we are talking about the future of our country, we don't want
to be excluded from the negotiations," Deputy Foreign Minister Olena
Zerkal told Reuters. "We don't want to be a card (to be played). We want
to be an actor."
"I don't believe in gentleman's agreements anymore," Zerkal said, noting
Russia had violated an earlier deal – the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on
Security Assurances, under which Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan gave up
nuclear weapons in exchange for assurances of territorial integrity –
when it annexed Crimea.
Read also
No grounds to lift Russia sanctions: President Poroshenko
Zerkal reiterated Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's call for the
West to maintain sanctions imposed against Russia over the 2014
annexation of Crimea and its support for the separatists in the Donbass.
"This is the only tool we all have in order to prevent (Russian
President Vladimir) Putin from a further spree of aggression," she said.
Trump, who took office on Jan. 20, has suggested he might do away with
some sanctions if Russia helps in battling terrorists and achieving
other goals important to Washington.
In another setback for Ukraine, the frontrunner in France's presidential
election, Francois Fillon, said during a visit to Berlin on Monday that
sanctions against Russia were "totally ineffective" and suggested they
could be lifted.
Zerkal, in Berlin for talks with German government officials, said she
hoped Chancellor Angela Merkel would continue to press for a peaceful
resolution of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
"She is the only person in the world who can communicate and persuade
Putin to make something work, or not to do something," she said.
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Read more on UNIAN: http://www.unian.info/politics/1743271-ukraine-demands-say-in-any-russia-us-talks-to-end-conflict-on-its-territory-media.html
Read more on UNIAN: http://www.unian.info/politics/1743271-ukraine-demands-say-in-any-russia-us-talks-to-end-conflict-on-its-territory-media.html
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