De leidende figuren van de Communistische Partij worden mogelijk vervolgd voor het plannen van een staatsgreep en hoogverraad.
Bron: Unian
SBU raids office of
banned Communist Party, home of leader Symonenko
23:47, 08 May 2018
Security officials say the searches are part of an ongoing investigation
into state treason and attempts to overthrow government.
Petro Symonenko / Photo from UNIAN
Petro Symonenko / Photo from UNIAN
"SBU investigators are conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal
proceedings into the actions aimed at seizing state power and into
treason," the SBU press service said in a statement Tuesday.
It is noted that the law enforcers revealed a mechanism for setting up
on behalf of Russian curators a number of paid-for protest rallies to
destabilize the situation in Ukraine, aimed at a violent change and
overthrow of the constitutional system or seizure of state power,
according to
The investigation also received information on the involvement in the
anti-state activities of representatives of the banned Communist Party
of Ukraine.
The SBU released photos of seized Communist symbols, St. George's tapes
and propaganda materials - in particular consisting calls such as "The
authorities don't hear you? Take up arms! "," Russia is not afraid," "
Lenin, thank you for Ukraine," and those consisting images of Russian
President Vladimir Putin, etc.
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deploy SBU's Alpha task force to prevent violence
The perpetrators planned upon orders of Russian curators to be
disseminated on May 9 to destabilize the socio-political situation in
the country and "provoke violent clashes between activists of
public-political organizations," the SBU said, adding that the pre-trial
investigation is continuing.
As reported earlier, the Communist Party of Ukraine is prohibited under
the law on decommunization and a court decision of 2016. It cannot take
part in elections, but continues to be active in the public and
informational fields.
In a party leader Petro Symonenko's home, the SBU found an APS pistol
with a silencer to it as well as 120 rounds.
In turn, Communists say they will file complaints over the SBU act with
PACE, UN and other international organizations.
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