woensdag 9 mei 2018

SBOe doorzoekt kantoor Communistische Partij

De staatsveiligheidsdienst SBOe heeft gisteren een inval gedaan in het kantoor van de in 2016 verboden Communistische Partij en bij partijleider Petro Simonenko thuis. Er werden (eveneens verboden) communistische symbolen en Sint Jorislintjes in beslag genomen, maar ook propagandamaterialen met teksten als 'De autoriteiten luisteren niet naar je? Neem de wapens op', 'Rusland is niet bang', 'Oekraïne bedankt Lenin' en foto's van de Russische president Vladimir Poetin.

De leidende figuren van de Communistische Partij worden mogelijk vervolgd voor het plannen van een staatsgreep en hoogverraad.

Bron: Unian
SBU raids office of banned Communist Party, home of leader Symonenko 23:47, 08 May 2018 Politics 201 0 Security officials say the searches are part of an ongoing investigation into state treason and attempts to overthrow government. Petro Symonenko / Photo from UNIAN Petro Symonenko / Photo from UNIAN "SBU investigators are conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings into the actions aimed at seizing state power and into treason," the SBU press service said in a statement Tuesday. It is noted that the law enforcers revealed a mechanism for setting up on behalf of Russian curators a number of paid-for protest rallies to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, aimed at a violent change and overthrow of the constitutional system or seizure of state power, according to The investigation also received information on the involvement in the anti-state activities of representatives of the banned Communist Party of Ukraine. The SBU released photos of seized Communist symbols, St. George's tapes and propaganda materials - in particular consisting calls such as "The authorities don't hear you? Take up arms! "," Russia is not afraid," " Lenin, thank you for Ukraine," and those consisting images of Russian President Vladimir Putin, etc. Read alsoThugs being hired for Victory Day provocations: Authorities to deploy SBU's Alpha task force to prevent violence The perpetrators planned upon orders of Russian curators to be disseminated on May 9 to destabilize the socio-political situation in the country and "provoke violent clashes between activists of public-political organizations," the SBU said, adding that the pre-trial investigation is continuing. As reported earlier, the Communist Party of Ukraine is prohibited under the law on decommunization and a court decision of 2016. It cannot take part in elections, but continues to be active in the public and informational fields. In a party leader Petro Symonenko's home, the SBU found an APS pistol with a silencer to it as well as 120 rounds. In turn, Communists say they will file complaints over the SBU act with PACE, UN and other international organizations. If you see a spelling error on our site, select it and press Ctrl+Enter

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