In de omgeving van Marioepol werd met 122 millimeter artillerie geschoten op Sjirokine.
Verder werd met 82 en 120 millimeter mortieren geschoten, ook op de dorpen Vodiane, Hnoetove, Novotrojtske en Pavlopil. Granaatwerpers en zware machinegeweren werden door de rebellen gebruikt tegen soldaten bij Talakivka, Pavlopil, Vodiane en Novotrojtske. Soldaten bij Sjirokine, Vodiane en Lebedinske werden ook aangevallen met pantserwagens. In Talakivka was een sluipschutter actief.
In de provincie Loehansk waren er aanvallen met granaatwerpers en zware machinegeweren op de dorpen Novo-Oleksandrivka, Stantisja Loehanska en Valoejske. In het dorp Lobatsjeve werd een sluipschutter gesignaleerd.
Bron: Unian
Ukraine reports 84
enemy attacks in Donbas, 1 WIA in last day
Russia's hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in
Donbas 84 times in the past 24 hours with one Ukrainian soldier reported
as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the
Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters.
10:00, 28 February 2017
"In the Mariupol sector, the invaders fired 122mm artillery systems on
the village of Shyrokyne, as well as 120mm and 82mm mortars on the
villages of Vodiane, Hnutove, Novotroyitske and Pavlopil. Grenade
launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms were also used to shell the
villages of Talakіvka, Pavlopil, Vodiane, Novotroyitske, Shyrokyne and
Hnutove. Additionally, the occupiers opened fire from infantry fighting
vehicles on the villages of Shyrokyne, Vodiane and Lebedynske. A sniper
was active in Talakivka. Moreover, in the Donetsk sector, an enemy tank
repeatedly fired on the town of Avdiyivka," the headquarters said.
Read also
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The Russian occupation forces also fired 120mm and 82mm mortar shells on
Avdiyivka and the villages of Troyitske, Novoluhanske, Luhanske,
Verkhniotoretske, Opytne, Vodiane and Butivka coal mine. In addition,
they fired rocket-propelled grenades and small arms on the villages of
Pisky, Zaitseve, Luhanske, Kamianka and Troyitske.
In the Luhansk sector, the enemy used grenade launchers and heavy
machine guns firing at the villages of Novo-Oleksandrivka, Stanytsia
Luhanska and Valuiske. Furthermore, a sniper was working in the village
of Lobacheve.
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