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Ex-minister Oelana Soeproen. |
Als een petitie minimaal 25.000 digitale handtekeningen heeft gekregen, dan is de president gehouden om daar een reactie op te geven. Sinds het aantreden van Zelenski als president is Stepanov al de derde minister van Volksgezondheid na Soeproen. De vorige minister heeft het nog geen maand volgehouden totdat hij aan de dijk werd gezet.
De roep om terugkeer van Soeproen klinkt steeds luider. Zij zette de hervorming van het gezondheidsstelsel in gang tijdens haar ministerschap dat van 2016 tot de zomer van vorig jaar duurde. Oelana Soeproen bekritiseerde recentelijk nog het voorstel om Proteflazidum te gebruiken als middel tegen het coronavirus. Proteflazidum is een kruidenextract dat in Oekraïne geproduceerd wordt. Volgens Soeproen werkt het middel niet.
Bron: Unian
Zelensky gives feedback
on petition calling for Suprun's reinstatement as health minister
12:30, 12 April 2020
26 0
The petition was supported by almost 26,000 signatures with the required
minimum being 25,000.
Suprun worked as acting Health Minister in 2016-2019 / Photo from UNIAN
Suprun worked as acting Health Minister in 2016-2019 / Photo from UNIAN
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has given feedback on an
electronic petition posted on the presidential website on March 23 to
call for Ulana Suprun's reinstatement as health minister.
He thanked all those who signed the petition for their active social
stand and understanding of the need to continue the transformation of
the healthcare sector, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.
Read alsoKyiv's court rules to reinstate Suprun as Ukraine's Acting
Health Minister
The petition was supported by almost 26,000 signatures as of March 30
with the required minimum being 25,000.
Yet, the president recalled that Ukraine's parliament on March 30, 2020,
appointed Maksym Stepanov as health minister, who continues
implementing healthcare reforms.
"With regard to the continuation of the healthcare reform, I'd like to
inform you that a program providing medical guarantees for all types of
medical care began on April 1, 2020, under October 19, 2017, law No.
2168 on state financial healthcare guarantees for the population," he
Zelensky says Stepanov sees the fight against coronavirus and the
continuation of the healthcare reform as priorities in his ministerial
post, since people's health is one of the main priorities of the
country's development.
Suprun, who was acting health minister from 2016 to 2019, criticized the
proposed use of Proteflazidum, a locally produced antiviral extract of
herbs, for treating coronavirus patients in Ukraine. She insists that
this medicine will be ineffective.
Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/politics/10955375-zelensky-gives-feedback-on-petition-calling-for-suprun-s-reinstatement-as-health-minister.html
Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/politics/10955375-zelensky-gives-feedback-on-petition-calling-for-suprun-s-reinstatement-as-health-minister.html
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