dinsdag 21 januari 2020

Er zijn nu minder dan 42 miljoen Oekraïners

De Oekraïense bevolking blijft maar krimpen. Het Nationaal Statistisch Bureau meldt dat er op 1 december 41.922.000 inwoners waren, 230.500 minder dan aan het begin van 2019. In 2018 nam de bevolking af met 200.000.

Terwijl bekend is dat steeds meer Oekraïners hun geluk in het buitenland zoeken, kwamen er in elf maanden tijd toch 16.456 mensen meer naar Oekraine dan er zijn vertrokken. Tegenover 100 sterfgevallen stonden slechts 54 geboortes.

Bron: Unian
Ukraine's population declines to 41.92 mln as of Dec 1 – statistics 20:54, 20 January 2020 Ukraine 42 0 The number of newborns in the country also decreased. An illustrative image / REUTERS An illustrative image / REUTERS The population of Ukraine in January-November 2019 declined by 230,500 people year-over-year, to 41.922 million people as of December 1. In January-November 2019, some 286,700 babies were born, while their number was 312,600 in January-November 2018, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine reported. Read alsoStatistics: Ukraine sees its population shrinking, to 41.98 mln by Sept 1 A natural decrease in the population in the 11 months last year was estimated at 533,700 people, while it was 535,100 people in the same period of 2018. However, the number of people who came to Ukraine exceeded the number of people who left the country by 16,456 people. In January-November 2018, this indicator stood at 13,677 people. In addition, there is a significant excess of the number of deaths over the number of newborns: 100 vs. 54. The report includes data from all regions of Ukraine, except for the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Information on natural population changes and migration was generated without taking into account the temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. As UNIAN reported earlier, a trial population census was launched in Ukraine on December 1, 2019, which is a preparatory stage for the 2020 nationwide population census. According to the State Statistics Service, the number of people in Ukraine in 2018 decreased by more than 200,000 people.

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