woensdag 4 december 2019

Ex-parlementslid Onishtsjenko opgepakt in Aken

Het voormalige parlementslid Oleksandr Onishtsjenko blijkt zondag te zijn opgepakt door de Duitse politie in de stad Aken. Hij ontvluchtte Oekraïne vier jaar geleden nadat hij was beschuldigd van het verduisteren van 3 miljard hrivna (113,1 miljoen euro) bij het gaswinningsbedrijf Oekrgazdoboevannia. Onishtsjenko wordt voorlopig vastgehouden door de politie, in afwachting van rechtszaak over het itleveringsverzoek van de .

Het nieuws van Onishtsjenko's arrestatie is naar buiten gebracht door de journalistieke onderzoeksgroep Skhemi die zich baseert op twee verschillende bronnen bij justitie. Oleh Ishtsjhenko, de advocaat van Onishtsjenko, wilde geen commentaar geven op het nieuws.

Fugitive MP Onyshchenko detained in Germany – media 18:00, 03 December 2019 Politics 571 0 German authorities are yet to approve the extradtion of the ex-deputy, wanted on embezzlement charges. Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN German law enforcers on November 29 detained former MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko in the German city of Aachen at the request of the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine and the Specialized Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office. Journalists of the Skhemy investigative project learned about this from two independent sources in various law enforcement agencies. According to the procedure, the German court must next decide on his further extradition to Ukraine, which was requested by Ukrainian law enforcement authorities. The court must also determine a preventive measure pending consideration of the issue. The date of the hearing is yet to be announced. Read alsoUkraine's high profile "Gas case": Indictment forwarded to court Ahead of the trial, Onyshchenko is being held in custody, the report says. Onyshchenko's lawyer, Oleh Ishchenko, in a comment to Skhemy, said he was not ready to comment on the report about his client's detention. NABU detectives in December 2015 began a pre-trial investigation of the theft of funds during the extraction and sale of gas under Ukrgazdobuvannia's joint ventures, as a result of which the state suffered losses amounting to about UAH 3 billion.

Read more on UNIAN:

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