maandag 4 november 2019

Vergevorderde plannen voor aanleg vier tolwegen

Het ministerie van Infrastructuur wil vier tolwegen aanleggen, terwijl er ook uitbreidings- en verbeteringsplannen zijn voor diverse havens, treinstations en luchthavens. Samen met de Wereldbank wordt gewerkt aan de aanbesteding van met name de snelwegen Lviv-Striej, Kyiv-Bila Tserkva, Lviv-Ternopil en Lviv-Krakovets. Ook de rondweg om de hoofdstad Kyiv zit in de pijplijn, aldus minister Vladislav Krikliej.

''Er zijn ook al aanbestedingstrajecten opgestart voor de havens van Oliva en Cherson. Volgend jaar willen we projecten aanbesteden voor de havens van Odesa, Marioepol, en Berdjansk, maar ook voor een veerboot-terminial in de haven van Tsjornomorsk.'' Ook wordt samen met de International Finance Corporation gewerkt aan de aanbesteding van projecten op de luchthavens van Cherson, Tsjernivtsi, Zaporizja en krijgt de luchthaven van Bila Tserkva een vrachtterminal. Verder worden de treinstations verbeterd in Charkiv, Dnipro, Chmelntiski, Mikolajiv en Tsjop.

Bron: Unian 
Ukraine to build four toll roads 12:45, 31 October 2019 Economy 45 0 The Infrastructure Ministry is working to develop projects of roads, ports and airports that will work on concession terms. Photo from facebook/Ukravtodor.Gov.Ua Photo from facebook/Ukravtodor.Gov.Ua Ukraine is to build four toll roads. In particular, Ukraine's Ministry of Infrastructure is developing projects for four roads that will work on concession terms, namely Lviv-Stryi, Kyiv-Bila Tserkva, Lviv-Ternopil, and Lviv-Krakovets, along with projects of ports, airports and train stations. Read alsoUkraine government mulls concession deals for sea ports as early as 2020 "We, together with the World Bank, have already begun preparations for the concession of roads. We have initiated a pre-feasibility study of the concession of the Lviv-Ternopil, Lviv-Stryi, Kyiv-Bila Tserkva, Lviv-Krakovets roads, as well as the ring road around Kyiv," Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Vladyslav Krykliy said during the First Investment Forum in Mariupol. He also announced that four ports would work on concession terms. "We already have two concession projects for the ports of Olvia and Kherson ... Also, next year we are ready to offer concession projects for the ports of Odesa, Mariupol, Berdyansk, as well as a ferry complex at the port of Chornomorsk," he said. In addition, according to Krykliy, the ministry began preparing airport concession projects. "We jointly with the International Finance Corporation initiated concession projects for the airports of Kherson, Chernivtsi, Zaporizhia, and the 'Cargo' terminal at Bila Tserkva Airport," he said. He also announced that concession projects for railway stations were in the pipeline. "We are ready to submit concession projects in Kharkiv, Dnipro, Khmelnytsky, Mykolaiv, and Chop. [It will be done] next year," he said. According to UNIAN, Ukraine's Infrastructure Ministry on September 12 called tenders to transfer the property of state-owned enterprises Olvia Stevedoring Company, Kherson Commercial Sea Port and the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) to investors on concession terms. The Olvia Port will be in concession for 35 years and the port of Kherson for 30 years.

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