woensdag 23 oktober 2019

Twee doden bij granaatexplosie in centrum Kyiv

In het centrum van de hoofdstad Kyiv zijn twee doden gevallen toen een granaat explodeerde. De beide mannen zouden buiten bij een café aan de Poesjkinskastraat een handgranaat hebben bekeken die vervolgens ontplofte. Een toevallige voorbijgangster raakte gewond door granaatscherven en moest met spoed in een ziekenhuis worden opgenomen. De politie zoekt nu uit wat er precies is gebeurd. Volgens ooggetuigen was geen sprake van een ruzie tussen beide mannen.

Bron: Unian
Grenade blast in central Kyiv leaves two dead, one wounded (Photo, video) 00:00, 23 October 2019 Kyiv 887 0 Preliminary reports claim right before the explosion, the two male victims were chatting outside a bar, with no signs of an altercation between them. An explosion rocked central Kyiv on Pushkinska Street, as a result of a hand grenade detonation, witnesses say, according to media reports. A video report published by Kyiv Operativnyi online outlet, "A serious explosion was reported in the city center. Two people were killed in the blast on Puskinska Street," the statement said. According to a witness report published in a video on the Informator Facebook page, right before the explosion, two male victims who were killed in the explosion had been chatting outside a bar, with no signs of an altercation between them. Read alsoExplosion rocks town in Ukraine's Rivne region (Photo) The two were allegedly examining a hand grenade. A random passer-by, reportedly a female, sustained shrapnel wounds and was rushed to a hospital. Metro police, a CSI team, and a bomb squad are working at the scene. If you see a spelling error on our site, select it and press Ctrl+Enter Tags: #explosion#Kyiv#blast Passenger services in Boryspil Airport terminals suspended following poisoning hazard re

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