woensdag 26 juni 2019

Amerikaanse steun voor veiliger munitiedepots

Oekraïne krijgt 4 miljoen dollar (3,5 miljoen euro) van de Verenigde Staten voor het veiliger maken van de munitiedepot. In de afgelopen drie jaar waren er meerdere grote branden in depots, waardoor veel munitie verloren ging. De munitiedepots blijken gevoelig voor sabotage door de slechte bewaking, maar ook de veiligheid laat sterk te wensen over.

De laatste grote brand was in november in de provincie Tsjernihiv. Vanwege de vele explosies moesten 12.500 inwoners van dorpen in de buurt worden geëvacueerd.

Bron: Unian
U.S. to give Ukraine US$4 mln for stepping up ammo depot security 09:58, 26 June 2019 Politics 39 0 The parties have signed a respective memorandum. REUTERS REUTERS The United States will give Ukraine US$4 million in financial assistance for an improvement in protection systems of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's ammunition depots. On June 25, Washington, D.C., hosted a regular meeting of the Ukraine-U.S. Nonproliferation and Export Control Working Group (NPWG), after which the parties signed a memorandum on the provision by the United States of assistance to Ukraine in the field of ammunition storage, the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States said on Facebook on June 26. Read alsoMassive fire at Ukraine's ammo depot result of sabotage – prosecutors The memorandum provides for the allocation by the American side of at least US$4 million for stepping up ammo depot security in Ukraine. From 2015 to 2018, there was a series of explosions in military warehouses with ammunition and military equipment in Ukraine, which caused a significant damage to Ukraine's defense capability.

Read more on UNIAN:

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