zondag 17 februari 2019

Video's: Anna Maria, Kazka en Freedom Jazz naar finale nationaal songfestival

Ukraine chooses second three finalists of national selection for Eurovision 2019 (Video) 22:52, 16 February 2019 Ukraine 285 0 The three entries that made it to the finals were chosen in a combined vote by a jury and TV audience. Photo from Photo from On Saturday, February 16, Ukraine held the second semi-final of the "Vidbir" national selection for Eurovision 2019. The three entries that made it to the finals were chosen in a combined vote by a jury and TV audience. The expert jury consisted of a Ukrainian singer and songwriter Jamala, the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 for Ukraine; Andriy Danylko, a comedian and also singer, who represented Ukraine in 2007 as a drag artist "Verka Serduchka"; and Yevhen Filatov (The Maneken), a Ukrainian singer and producer, creator of Onuka band. Among the eight entries competing on Saturday, the TOP 3 were Freedom Jazz, ANNA MARIA, and KAZKA. Freedom jazz – Cupidon ANNA MARIA – My Road KAZKA – Apart As reported earlier, the first semifinal of the national selection was aired February 9. The national final is scheduled for February 23. The ESC2019 this year is being hosted by Israel. The contest will start May 14.

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Freedom Jazz, Anna Maria en Kazka hebben gisteravond de tweede halve finale gewonnen van het nationale songfestival. Ze werden aangewezen door het televisiepubliek en een jury onder leiding van zangeres Jamala. Anna Maria zong het nummer My Road, Kazka trad op met het nummer Apart en Freedom Jazz vertolkte het nummer Cupidon. De nationale finale voor deelname aan het Eurovisie Songfestival in Israel is komende zaterdag.

Bronnen: Unian, YouTube

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