woensdag 14 november 2018

Russisch-orthodoxe kerk daagt Moederkerk uit

De Russisch-orthodoxe kerk daagt het Oecumenisch Patriarchaat van Constantinopel uit op 'eigen' terrein, namelijk met een viering in de kerk van de Heilige Constantijn en Helena in de Turkse hoofdstad Istanboel. Dat gebeurde zonder de gebruikelijke toestemming van het Oecumenisch Patriarchaat, want de Russisch-orthodoxe kerk heeft de betrekkingen met de Moederkerk bevroren uit boosheid over het op handen zijnde autocefaal, zelfstandig verklaren van de Oekraïens-orthodoxe kerk van het Kyivse patriarchaat.

Dmitro Timtsjoek, de coördinator van de Oekraïense organisatie Information Resist, vergelijkt deze slinkse aanpak met de bezetting van de Krim begin 2014 door 'groene mannetjes' uit Rusland. Alleen zijn het ditmaal geen 'groene mannetjes' maar 'mannetjes in soutanes' die het Oecumenisch Patriarchaat proberen af te bluffen.

De viering met priester Georgie Sergejev van de Russisch-orthodoxe kerk had volgens de ROC plaats op verzoek van gelovigen in Istanboel. Er waren echter maar twintig gelovigen aanwezig in de kerk die op het terrein van het Russische consulaat-generaal staat, dus dat zal het niet geweest zijn. ''De kerk is het nieuwe front van de hybride oorlog die Rusland voert'', aldus Timtsjoek.

Bron: Unian
Russian Orthodox Church's "little men in cassocks" already in Istanbul – OSINT expert 11:00, 14 November 2018 Politics 319 0 Russian priest arrived in Istanbul in a demonstrative move to deliver a sermon without Constantinople's consent. Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN Dmytro Tymchuk, the coordinator of the Ukrainian-based Information Resistance OSINT community, has said the Russian Orthodox Church, who he brands the ROC-FSB, hinting at its long-standing ties with the Russian security service, went for an offensive on the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople after severing communion with the Mother Church. Attacking an enemy on its own territory is in the Kremlin's traditions, Tymchuk wrote on Facebook. An ROC priest, Georgy Sergeev, arrived in Istanbul and delivered his first sermon in the temple of St. Constantine and Helen (located in the territory of the Russian Consulate General in Istanbul). Read alsoPoroshenko eventually meets with three bishops of Russian-backed Orthodox church in Ukraine The cleric's arrival was explained by the ROC with "numerous requests of Orthodox believers living in Turkey," Tymchuk notes, drawing parallels with the Kremlin's claims of 2014 that Russian speakers in Crimea had been seeking Russia's interference against "Ukrainian nationalists." "However, merely 20 people attended the service, Tymchuk noted. Conducting sermons in Istanbul previously required Russian Orthodox Church getting a permission from the Patriarchate of Constantinople or sending their priest under the jurisdiction of Constantinople. Read alsoU.S. Secretary of State supports Ukraine in efforts to create autocephalous church "Now the opinion of the Patriarchate of Constantinople was defiantly ignored," the expert wrote. "It means the ROC-FSB is infiltrating Constantinople (Istanbul) with 'little men in cassocks' who have taken up the role of the Russian 'little green men' [soldiers without insignia who flooded the Ukrainian Crimea as Russia made its first active moves to illegally annex the peninsula]. Church is now another front of the Russian hybrid war. Welcome to the phantasmagoric world of the peculiar 'Russian Orthodoxy'," Tymchuk added.

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