woensdag 21 november 2018

Oproep aan Amazon om kledingverkoop met emblemen DPR en LPR te stoppen

Amazon biedt producten aan met DPR-logo.
De Oekraïense ambassade in Washington wil dat Amazon en eBay stoppen met het aanbieden van producten met de emblemen van de 'volksrepublieken' DPR en LPR van de separatisten in Oost-Oekraïne. Topman Jeff Bezos van Amazon heeft inmiddels een verzoek hiertoe ontvangen. De ambassade heeft ook het Amerikaanse ministeries van Buitenlands Zaken, van Handel en van Financiën op de hoogte gesteld.

Eerder riep de Oekraïense minister Oelana Soeproen (Volksgezondheid) al in eigen land op tot het houden van flash mobs om Amazon te bewegen om de gewraakte producten uit de handel te nemen.

Bron: Unian
Ukraine's embassy in U.S. urges Amazon to remove products with "DPR" symbols 11:24, 21 November 2018 Politics 15 0 The embassy also appealed to the management of eBay Inc. to take the same measures regarding the products with "DPR" and "LPR" insignia. The Embassy of Ukraine in the USA has urged Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to remove products with the symbols of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" ("DPR") terrorist organization. "The Embassy of Ukraine in the USA sent an official letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos with a strong request to remove products emblazoned with the symbols of the self-proclaimed terrorist republic 'Donetsk People's Republic' ('DPR') from the Amazon web-site," the Embassy said on Facebook. "Additionally, the Embassy appealed to the management of eBay Inc. to take the same measures regarding the products with the symbols of 'DPR' and 'LPR' (the self-proclaimed terrorist republic 'Luhansk People's Republic')." "Moreover, the Ukrainian Embassy brought the aforementioned situation to the attention of the U.S. Department of State, the Department of Commerce and the Department of the Treasury," the embassy added. As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukraine's Acting Health Minister Ulana Suprun called on fellow citizens to join a flash mob aimed at forcing Amazon, the global online trading platform, to stop selling products "emblazoned with symbols of the self-proclaimed terrorist republic "DPR.'"

Read more on UNIAN:

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