maandag 15 oktober 2018

Filaret: taal in verenigde kerk in princie Oekraïens

Patriarch Filaret zegt in een interview met tv-zender Kanal 5 dat na het beoogde samengaan van zijn UOC-KP met de UOC-MP en de UAOC de vieringen in de Oekraïens-orthodoxe kerk vooral in het Oekraïens zullen zijn. Tegelijkertijd wil hij de priesters de keus geven of ze in Kerkslavisch (de liturgische taal van de Slavische orthodoxe kerken) of in het Russisch willen voorgaan. Er mag wat de patriarch betreft geen sprake zijn van discriminatie wegens ander taalgebruik.

Bron: Unian
Patriarch Filaret comments on language of preaching in Ukraine's new church 12:20, 15 October 2018 Ukraine 460 0 Following unification, the liturgical addresses should, in principle, be in Ukrainian. Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN After the creation of a single local Orthodox church in Ukraine, the language of preaching will be mostly Ukrainian, according to Patriarch Filaret. In some cases, Filaret noted, clerics may use other languages, according to TV Channel 5. “The liturgical addresses should, in principle, be in Ukrainian. And sermons – in Ukrainian, as well. But we will allow sermons both in Church Slavonic and in Russian. That is, there will not be such thing, you know, as oppression with respect to the language of preaching,” Filaret said. Read alsoRussian empire losing one of last levers of influence on its former colony – Poroshenko on decision of Ecumenical Patriarchate On October 11, following a meeting of the Synod, a decision was announced, stating that the Ecumenical Patriarchate proceeds to granting autocephaly to the Church of Ukraine. In addition, the legal binding of the Synod’s letter of 1686 was abolished, thus taking the Kyiv Metropolis from under Moscow's canonical jurisdiction. Also, head of the UOC of the Kyiv Patriarchate Filaret and head of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Makariy were reinstated in their canonical status. On October 12, the Kyiv Patriarchate called on the episcopate, clergy and believers of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate to begin the preparation of the Unification Council.

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