dinsdag 11 september 2018

Video: konvooi van pantserwagens rijdt door Donetsk

Military hardware seen relocated in center of Russian-occupied Donetsk (Video) 13:18, 11 September 2018 War 244 0 Traffic was partly halted during the relocation. Screenshot Screenshot Military hardware of Russian-controlled forces has been filmed during relocation through the central quarters of the Russian-occupied city of Donetsk. Footage shows a column of armored personnel carriers moving along Artema Street. A video caption says there were about 20 vehicles in the convoy. Traffic was partly halted during the relocation. As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukrainian members of the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination (JCCC) of the ceasefire and stabilization in Donbas recorded an unprecedented number of heavy weaponry being amassed in occupied Donbas. "The Ukrainian side of the JCCC has recorded an unprecedented number of artillery systems, tanks, and armored combat vehicles outside their permanent storage sites and in violation of withdrawal lines provided for by the Minsk agreements. Also, the militants continue to ignore the 'back-to-school' ceasefire, and increase shelling," they said in a report.

Read more on UNIAN:
In het centrum van de stad Donetsk werd een konvooi gezien van een twintigtal gepantserde wagens voor troepenvervoer op de Artemastraat. De wagens gingen onder politiebegeleiding door de stad die al sinds het voorjaar van 2014 in handen is van de separatisten. Pas nog maakte de Oekraïense delegatie bij het coördinatiecentrum voor de Donbas melding van niet eerder geziene aantallen artilleriesystemen, tanks en pantserwagens die door de pro-Russische rebellen van de opslagplaatsen werden gehaald.

Bronnen: Unian, YouTube

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