donderdag 23 augustus 2018

Russische historicus: 'Gooi kleine atoombom op Kyiv'

De aversie tegen Oekraïne neemt in Rusland een bizarre vorm aan met eerst het pleidooi van Vladimir Zjirinovski om een atoombom te gooien op de woning van president Petro Porosjenko en nu weer de opmerking van de historicus Jevegeni Spitsin in een praatprogramma op het Eerste Kanaal voor ''een kleine atoombom'' op de Oekraïense hoofdstad. ''Dan is dat probleem opgelost'', voegde Spitsin er aan toe.

Zjirinovski staat weliswaar bekend als 'politieke clown' door zijn extreme uitspraken, maar tegelijkertijd is hij als vicevoorzitter van het Russische parlement niet de eerste de beste.

Bron: Unian

Bro"Drop one little nuke on Kyiv": Russian TV panelist on war with Ukraine 15:40, 23 August 2018 Politics 514 0 The historian seemed sincerely bewildered at the fact that, being a major nuclear power, Russia had been waging war against Ukraine for four years already. Photo from Photo from One of the participants of a panel show aired by a major Russian propaganda TV channel Rossiya 1, historian Yevgeny Spitsyn, noting Russia's nuclear potential, offered what a "quick" option to end the war with Ukraine, speaking on air of one of Russia's major national TV channels. The historian seemed sincerely bewildered at the fact that Russia had been waging war against Ukraine for four years already. He then went on to suggest the Kremlin dropping "one little nuke on Kyiv" to "destroy the current fascist regime." "And that's all, the problem is solved," he concluded. As UNIAN reported earlier, Russian populist "showman" politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who also holds a post of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, suggested using a nuclear charge to hit the residence of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. At the same time, Russian authorities have launched a persecution campaign against what they call "extremism" on social networks," effectively opening criminal cases against internet users for posts, reposts, and likes.

Read more on UNIAN:

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