donderdag 2 augustus 2018

Hongarije heeft nu minister voor Transkarpatië

De Hongaarse zaakgelastigde László Csaba Pap is door het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken van Oekraïne op het matje geroepen om uitleg te geven over de benoeming van een minister die zich speciaal bezig gaat houden met Transkarpatië, de Oekraïense provincie die naar schatting 150.000 etnische Hongaren telt.

Pap moet ook uitleg geven over een programma van de Hongaarse regering voor het opzetten van kleuterscholen op Oekraïens grondgebied. Verder heeft premier Viktor Orbán de nodige kwetsende uitspraken gedaan over Oekraïne en ook daarvan wil het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken weten hoe dit alles bedoeld is.

De verstandhouding tussen beide landen is momenteel slecht, omdat Hongarije het niet pikt dat de Oekraïense taal leidend is in het onderwijs, ook op de scholen van de etnische Hongaren. In de grensstad Berehovo spreekt meer dan de helft van de jongeren geen Oekraïens. "Wij hebben ons constructief opgesteld in de gesprekken die we hierover hebben gevoerd, maar de Hongaarse opstelling laat zien dat het buurland liever de confrontatie zoekt en zich in onze zaken mengt.''

Bron:, Unian
Ukraine wants Hungary to explain decision on minister for Transcarpathia 13:55, 02 August 2018 Politics 288 0 The Hungarian minister's authority will cover part of the sovereign territory of Ukraine. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has strongly protested against Hungary's decision to create the post of an authorized minister responsible for the development of Transcarpathia and develop kindergartens in the Carpathian basin. "László Csaba Pap, the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Head of Mission in Ukraine, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on July 31, 2018. The Hungarian diplomat was notified about strong protest against a number of unfriendly steps by official Budapest toward Ukraine and the need to stop actions that affect the bilateral relations," the Ukrainian ministry said in a statement. Read alsoPoroshenko agrees with Hungary's PM Orban on ministerial dialogue on language provisions In particular, the Ukrainian side stresses that latest statements by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Ukraine's European integration and Euro-Atlantic aspirations are unacceptable as they significantly deviate from the policy of the European Union and largely resemble an aggressor country's approaches. "The Hungarian diplomat received a note demanding official explanations in connection with the decision of the Hungarian government to create the post of an authorized minister responsible for the development of Transcarpathia and a program for the development of kindergartens in the Carpathian basin, since the envoy's authority will cover part of the sovereign territory of Ukraine," the statement reads. "Despite the constructive approach of the Ukrainian side to the solution of existing problems, Hungary's recent actions demonstrate the country has chosen confrontation instead of cooperation and direct intervention in Ukraine's internal affairs," the ministry said. Orban has recently announced that he does not believe that Ukrainian's aspirations for joining the European Union and NATO are realistic.

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