donderdag 14 december 2017

Oekraïense low cost carrier SkyUp vliegt vanaf april

Oekraïne krijgt een eigen low cost vliegmaatschappij. SkyUp gaat vanaf april volgend jaar vliegen vanaf Kyiv, Charkiv, Odesa en Lviv. De zestien buitenlandse bestemmingen zijn vooral toeristisch: Turkije (Antalya, Bodrum en Dalaman), Egypte (Sharm El Sheikh, Hurgada), Montenegro (Tivat), Spanje (Palma de Mallorca, Tenerife, Alicante), Albanië (Tirana), Italië (Rimini), Bulgarije (Burgas, Varna), Cyprus (Larnaca) en Dubai.

Er zijn ook binnenlandse vluchten gepland: Kyiv-Odesa, Charkiv-Odesa en Lviv-Odesa. De ticketverkoop begint in maart. Een enkele vlucht van Kyiv naar Odesa gaat 499 hrivna (15,37 euro) kosten. SkyUp beschikt inmiddels over drie Boeings 737. Dat aantal wordt uitgebreid naar twaalf.

Bron: Unian
Ukraine sets up national low-cost air carrier SkyUp 11:00, 14 December 2017 Economy 128 0 Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan has said the national low-cost airline SkyUp will start operating in April 2018. facebook/volodymyr.omelyan facebook/volodymyr.omelyan "Today I'm happy to announce the creation of a Ukrainian 'low-coster', which will carry out domestic and international flights. It will start operating in April 2018," the minister said. As UNIAN reported, Omelyan said earlier that a national low-cost air carrier might be created in 2017. In November 2017, the minister stated that three more European low-cost airlines would enter the Ukrainian market the following year. According to the press release of the airline, which was distributed at a press conference, charter flights in 2018 will be carried out from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa in 16 directions – Antalya, Bodrum, Dalaman, Sharm El Sheikh, Hugarda, Tivat, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Tenerife, Alicante, Tirana, Rimini, Burgas, Varna, Larnaca, and Dubai. Domestic scheduled flights will begin in late May in the following directions: Kyiv-Odesa, Kharkiv-Odesa, and Lviv-Odesa. International scheduled flights in 2018 are planned for destinations Kyiv – Barcelona, Kyiv – Dubai, and Kyiv – Larnaka. According to the SkyUP CEO Yevhen Khainatsky, the price for a one-way ticket to fly from Kyiv to Odesa will amount from UAH 499. He also noted that the sale of tickets will be opened in March.

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