vrijdag 13 oktober 2017

Richtlijn voor in dienst hebben van ouderen

Ukrainian pension reform foresees quotas for older workers – social policy minister Ukrainian Social Policy Minister Andriy Reva says that the pension reform will oblige employers to hire people older than 45 years within the set quota, according to the TV news service TSN. Economy 10:51, 13 October 2017 10 READ LATER Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN Bill No. 6614 stipulates that 4% of employees in any company should be aged 45 and older, the minister said on 1+1 TV channel in the Pravo na Vladu ("Right to Power") talk show, TSN said. Read also PM Groysman: Poroshenko enacts pension reform "This is a quota principle. We will definitely introduce it, and ensure through our state labor service that this norm is observed," Reva said. As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on October 8 enacted the pension reform law, which was published in the Verkhovna Rada's official newspaper Holos Ukrainy on October 10. The law came into force on October 11, except for certain provisions.

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De nieuwe Pensioenwet omvat ook een regeling die oudere werknemers aan het werk moet houden. Dat heeft minister Andri Reva van Sociale Zaken gezegd in de talkshow Pravo na Vladoe op tv-zender 1+1. Tenminste 4 procent van het werknemersbestand dient volgens Reva te bestaan uit 45-plussers. ''We zullen er op toezien dat werkgevers die norm ook in acht nemen.'' De wet kwam eergisteren in hoofdlijnen in werking.

Bron: Unian

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