donderdag 19 oktober 2017

Parlement stemt in met hervorming gezondheidszorg

Het parlement heeft vanmorgen het kabinetsplan voor de hervorming van de gezondheidszorg goedgekeurd. Er werd drie dagen over beraadslaagd, waarbij vooral gisteren nogal wat onvolkomenheden uit het plan werden gehaald. In de nu aangenomen wet is vastgelegd dat tenminste 5 procent van het bruto nationaal product wordt besteed aan de medische zorg.

Artsen krijgen voortaan beter betaald en hun inkomen wordt gekoppeld aan de loonontwikkeling. Er gelden vaste tarieven voor de medische zorg op elk niveau, terwijl zorginstellingen en medisch personeel doro de overheid worden betaald. Iedereen moet voortaan zelf zijn of haar dokter kunnen kiezen en de dokters krijgen per patiënt betaald. Dat is bedoeld als prikkel om goed werk te leveren, want een goede arts kan meer patiënten naar zich toe halen terwijl die weglopen bij slechte artsen.

De overheid betaalt voortaan alle medische kosten die gepaard gaan met een zwangerschap of bevalling, maar ook voor kinderen tot 16 jaar.

Bronnen: Ukrinform,
Ukraine parliament greenlights healthcare reform The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted government-submitted bill No. 6327 "On state financial guarantees for the provision of medical services and medicines," according to an UNIAN correspondent. Politics 12:25, 19 October 2017 19 READ LATER Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN The draft law was supported by 240 MPs out of 343 registered in the session hall. During the three-day debate on the bill in its second reading, the deputies several times failed to pass weighty amendments that the profile committee had drafted. However, ahead of the vote on Thursday, a rapporteur for the bill, Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Health Committee Iryna Sysoenko, announced several dozens fundamental amendments that returned the bill to the version initially approved by the Committee. The deputies supported these amendments in a majority vote. Read also Reasons why Ukrainian population shrinks According to the text of the draft law prepared for the second reading, the state guarantees its citizens full payment of healthcare services and medications required by the healthcare guarantees program. The bill says that the financial provision of public healthcare programs, measures to combat epidemics, implementation of medical and social expertise, activities related to the conduct of forensic medical and forensic psychiatric examinations, and other healthcare programs, ensuring the implementation of functions of the state, according to the list, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, shall be carried out separately at the expense of the state budget. Read also U.S. ex-envoy to Ukraine: health care reform "moment of truth" for Ukraine As part of the healthcare guarantees program, the state guarantees for all citizens, foreigners and stateless persons with permanent residence, as well as refugees and persons in need of additional protection, full payment of healthcare services and medications in connection with the provision of emergency, primary, secondary (specialized), tertiary (highly specialized) and palliative treatment; medical rehabilitation; medical treatment for children under 16 years of age, and medical treatment in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. The healthcare guarantees program shall be approved by the Verkhovna Rada as part of the law on the state budget of Ukraine for the corresponding year. The volume of funds allocated from the state budget for the implementation of the healthcare guarantees program shall be determined annually by the law of Ukraine on the State Budget at no less than 5% of GDP. Expenses for the program shall be among the protected items of budget expenditures.

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