donderdag 26 oktober 2017

Meeste vertrouwen in vrijwilligers, kerk en leger

De Oekraïners hebben het meeste vertrouwen in (burger)vrijwilligers, de kerk en het leger. Dat blijkt uit een opiniepeiling van het Razoemkov Center. De vrijwilligers worden vertrouwd door 66,7 procent en de kerk door 64,4 procent. Het leger heeft het vertrouwen van 57,3 procent, gevolgd door de vrijwilligersbataljons met 53,9 procent en de Nationale Garde met 52,6 procent.

De Nooddienst van de Oekraïense overheid doet het met 50,5 procent ook goed. Net onder de 40 procent zitten de media (48,3 procent), de niet-gouvernementele organisaties (48 procent) en de Grensbewaking (48,3 procent).

Bron: Unian
Ukrainians trust civil volunteers, church, army most – poll Most of all Ukrainian citizens trust civil volunteers, the church and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to a poll conducted by the Razumkov Center sociological service on October 6-11, 2017. Ukraine 11:27, 26 October 2017 4 READ LATER Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN Thus, 66.7% of the respondents say they trust volunteer organizations, 64.4% give credence to the church, 57.3% to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 53.9% to voluntary battalions, 52.6% to the National Guard of Ukraine, and 50.5% to the State Emergency Service. Read also Lithuanian volunteers help soldiers in eastern Ukraine - AP Some 48% of Ukrainians trust non-governmental organizations, while 46.4% of respondents give credence to the State Border Guard Service and 48.3% to the Ukrainian media. UNIAN memo. A total of 2,018 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, except for Crimea and the occupied areas in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where the adult population selected in keeping with key social and demographic indicators was interviewed. The sample of the poll was a multi-stage and random with a quota selection of respondents at the last stage. The theoretical margin of error (excluding the design effect) does not exceed 2.3% with 0.95% probability.

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