donderdag 26 oktober 2017

Eurocommissaris Hahn twijfelt aan Marshallplan

Oekraïne hoeft geen al te hoge verwachtingen te hebben van het Marshallplan zoals dat door Litouwen wordt voorbereid en dat voorziet in 15 miljard euro aan economische steun van de Europese Unie, verdeeld over drie jaar. Johannes Hahn, de Europees Commissaris voor Nabuurzaken, plaatste vandaag op een conferentie flinke kanttekeningen bij het Marshallplan.

''We willen best geld geven, maar niet zonder de nodige aansporingen of voorwaarden. Alleen als aan onze voorwaarden is voldaan maken we het geld over. Jammer, maar het vertrouwen in Oekraïne is momenteel niet erg hoog'', zei Hahn. Hij had het vervolgens vooral over het slechte ondernemingsklimaat, waarbij Oekraïne slechts een tachtigste plaats inneemt op de wereldlijst.

De Litouwse parlementsvoorzitter Viktora Pranckietis blijft echter onveranderd vertrouwen houden. Zo wees hij onlangs nog op het economische succes van het kabinet-Hrojsman dat kans heeft gezien om de klappen van de annexatie van de Krim, de oorlog in het oosten van het land en het verlies van een vijfde van de industriële capaciteit te overwinnen.

Bron: Unian
"Inflation on Marshall Plans": EC announces not very high level of trust in financing Ukraine EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn has said the European Commission (EC) received the so-called "Marshall Plan for Ukraine," but it has already the necessary tools for its implementation. Politics 19:18, 26 October 2017 13 READ LATER REUTERS REUTERS "I have received this Marshall Plan from the Foreign Minister of Lithuania and I have carefully read it. Honestly, everybody everywhere is always talking about Marshall Plan. And there is an 'inflation on Marshall Plans.' We have Marshall plans for Africa, we have so… I think the spirit of this paper is already solicit or we try to implement the spirit of this paper already today," Hahn said at Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference and the Annual Assembly of the EaP Civil Society Forum in Tallinn, Estonia, according to a video, posted on Facebook by Ukrainian MP, head of the Rada Committee on Foreign Affairs Hanna Hopko. Read also Marshall Plan for Ukraine provides for EUR 5 bln annual support from EU – Kubiv "We are ready to give money but not without any incentives or conditions. And in order to take care about our that spheres' moneys we can only give the money if the conditions are fulfilled. Sorry, but so say the level of trust is not very high, therefore we pay if something is done," he said, adding: "I have to admit Ukraine is around at the place 80 [of Doing Business ranking]. So, a lot can and should be done to improve the business climate in Ukraine and maybe in some other countries to attract foreign investors and also this is something we try to achieve." As UNIAN reported earlier, Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis on August 31 stressed that Vilnius was and will remain the advocate of Ukraine in the European Union and NATO, first of all in the context of countering Russian military aggression. "But today Ukraine's economic success is on the agenda as well. To this end we voiced and introduced the idea of the 'Marshall Plan' in Europe and the United States," Viktoras Pranckietis said, adding that the initiative was supported both at the political and financial levels.

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