zondag 24 september 2017

Rechters trachten corruptiebestrijder om te kopen

Twee rechters uit de stad Dnipro die al waren beschuldigd van corruptie hebben geprobeerd om directeur Nazar Cholodnitski van de speciale afdeling voor fraudebestrijding van het Openbaar Ministerie om te kopen. Cholodnitski waarschuwde echter de staatsveiligheidsdienst SBOe nadat de rechters hadden aangekondigd dat zij ''als verstandige mensen onder elkaar'' van gedachten wilden wisselen.

Toen het tweetal eenmaal in Cholodnitski's kantoor waren gearriveerd, werden ze in de boeien geslagen toen de eerste bundels bankbiljetten op tafel waren gelegd. De rechters bleken 50.000 dollar in contanten bij zich te hebben. Ze zitten vast. Cholodnitski heeft laten weten dat hij bij een rechtszaak tegen het tweetal zal getuigen.

Bron: Unian
Ukrainian judges charged with corruption come to top prosecutor with bribe, get arrested The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine and the SBU security service have reported on the arrest of two judges from the city of Dnipro who had attempted to corrupt Nazar Kholodnytsky, head of Ukraine’s Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office into closing the corruption-related case already opened against them. Ukraine 14:40, 24 September 2017 221 READ LATER "I don’t know why, but the court chairman decided that he could come to my office and talk ‘like normal people’ as he put it and agree on having a criminal case [against the two judges] closed," said Kholodnytsky. During the transfer of the first part of the bribe worth $50,000 the judges were detained by operatives of the Security Service of Ukraine. Read also NABU complains 30% of cases submitted to court stall "The bag was opened, the person who brought the money counted them. I did not touch it. When the person counted the money and put it on the table, the arrest went down. Both judges have been taken into custody while Nazar Kholodnytsky is ready to testify as a witness in the case.

Read more on UNIAN:

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