vrijdag 22 september 2017

Aantal aanvragen toeslag hoge woonlasten stijgt fors

Er is in de eerste acht maanden van dit jaar al 2,8 miljard hrivna (89,7 miljoen euro) aan toeslagen uitgekeerd om de sterk gestegen woon- en energielasten te compenseren voor huishoudens met een laag inkomen. Volgens het Nationaal Statistisch Bureau is dat 22,3 procent meer dan in dezelfde periode vorig jaar. Van de aanvragen werd slechts 0,8 procent afgewezen.

Verreweg het meeste geld ging naar de steden, want slechts 942 miljoen hrivna (30,2 miljoen euro) ging naar het platteland. Maar liefst 7 miljoen huishoudens kregen een toeslag van het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en daarvan wonen 4,8 miljoen huishoudens in stedelijke gebieden en 2,2 in dorpen op het platteland. Gemiddeld ontvangen zij 153,90 hrivna (4,93 euro) per maand van de overheid.

Bron: Unian
Utilities subsidies paid to Ukrainians rose by almost 22% in 8 months – statistics agency Over UAH 2.8 billion, or US$107 million, in subsidies was paid to Ukrainians from the national budget to compensate housing and utilities costs in January-August 2017, which was 22.3% up year-over-year (y-o-y), according to the Ukrainian State Statistics Service. Economy 13:10, 21 September 2017 53 READ LATER Photo Photo In particular, subsidies worth UAH 2.3 billion, or $87.8 million, were paid to residents in urban areas, while UAH 942 million, or $36 million, was paid to rural residents. Subsidies for housing and utilities in January-August 2017 were assigned to 7 million households (99.2% of those who applied for subsidies). Some 4.8 million families entitled to subsidies live in urban areas, while 2.21 million households that received compensation for utilities are located in rural areas. The number of families with assigned subsidies over the period under review increased by 68.9% y-o-y, the service reported. Read also Subsidy system should boost energy efficiency – Poroshenko The average amount of subsidies assigned to one household in August 2017 rose by 8.4% y-o-y, or UAH 153.9. As UNIAN reported earlier, in January-July 2017 subsidies to reimburse housing and utilities costs were estimated at UAH 3 billion, which was 18.9% up y-o-y. Ukrainian residents in 2016 received UAH 5.7 billion in housing and utilities subsidies from the budget, which was 58%, or UAH 3.3 billion, up from 2015.

Read more on UNIAN:

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