Omstreeks negen uur 's avonds beschoten de rebellen de versterkte legerposities bij Sjirokine en Vodiane met Gradraketten. Zeker 27 raketten werden afgevuurd op de soldaten bij Sjirokine, 15 bij Vodiane.
In de omgeving van Donetsk beschoten de rebellen bijna twee uur lang de versterkte legerposities aan de rand vn Avdiivka en bij de kolenmijn Boetivka met diverse wapens. In de provincie Loehansk voerden de rebellen één aanval uit op het leger bij het dorp Kalinove, waarbij ze gebruik maakten van diverse wapens.
In het dorp Popasna werd een vrouw gedood en liep een man een beenwond op bij onenigheid tussen inwoners en Oekraïense soldaten. Er wordt nu uitgezocht wat de rol van de soldaten was bij dit conflict.
Bron: Unian
Enemy Grad hits ATO
forces in Shyrokine, Vodiane – HQ
Over the past day, Russian-backed illegal armed groups in eastern
Ukraine violated the ceasefire 16 times. As a result of the shelling, a
Ukrainian soldier suffered a combat injury, as reported by the press
center of the ATO Headquarters.
09:25, 10 August 2017
Photo from UNIAN
Photo from UNIAN
"Yesterday, before noon, the gangs fired six times from a single
direction, the village of Kalynove, using different types of weapons, at
our strong points on the Luhansk line. After 18:00 the enemy's efforts
shifted to the Prymorske direction where the militants fired from 82mm
mortars at Ukrainian positions near Starohnativka and Talakivka, while a
120mm mortar was used in the area of Vodiane, Pavlopil and Hnutove,"
the press center wrote on Facebook.
At about 21:00, the militants attacked fortified positions of the ATO
forces using a Grad (Partisan) portable rocket launcher. At least 27
shells landed in the area of Shyrokine and another 15 near Vodiane, the
Headquarters reports.
Read also
Donbas militant boss reverses on earlier "Malorossiya" announcement
In the Donetsk direction, on the evening of Wednesday, the gangs for
almost 2 hours fired on Ukrainian strong points on the southern
outskirts of Avdiyivka and at Butivka coal mine, using various types of
As UNIAN reported earlier, the Ukrainian troops may be involved in the
death of a civilian woman as a result of an altercation in the ATO zone.
According to preliminary data, a conflict erupted between the military
and civilians in Popasna, which resulted in two locals, a man and a
woman, being wounded. The man’s wound to the leg was treated at a local
hospital while the woman eventually died from wounds inflicted.
The investigation is underway, to reveal the circumstances of the crime
committed, including the motives, that’s according to the HQ.
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