dinsdag 25 april 2017

'Werkloosheid in werkelijkheid bijna vijfmaal hoger'

Het werkelijke aantal werklozen is bijna vijf maal zo hoog als de 4000.000 Oekraïners die officieel als zodanig geregistreerd zijn en daardoor in aanmerking komen voor een werkloosheidsuitkering. Dat heeft vicepremier Pavlo Prozenko verklaard in een interview met tv-zender ZIK. Dat komt omdat lang niet iedereen ww-premie betaalt en dus recht heeft op een uitkering bij werkloosheid.

Van de 18 miljoen Oekraïners op de arbeidsmarkt is 7 miljoen zwart aan het werk. Niet omdat ze dat zo graag willen, maar omdat hun werkgever niet van zins is om premies en belastingen af te dragen voor ze. Vorige maand daalde de officiële werkloosheid met 32.600 naar 406.800, ofwel 1,5 procent van de Oekraïners op de arbeidsmarkt.

Bron: Unian
Actual unemployment rate in Ukraine almost five times higher than official figures – minister The actual number of unemployed citizens in Ukraine reaches 1.9 million people, while only 400,000 citizens are registered with the social services as unemployed, Deputy Prime Minister Pavlo Rozenko said, speaking on ZIK TV. Economy 16:00, 25 April 2017 130 READ LATER REUTERS REUTERS "Today, only 400,000 Ukrainians are registered with the social services as unemployed. In particular, it's the people who have the right to social assistance come there. However, as of today, the real number of unemployed is about 1.9 million Ukrainians," Rozenko said. He added that there were 18 million working people in Ukraine. However, not all of them pay a single social contribution, which in turn causes considerable damage to the state. "As for the working-age population, this is people between 15 and 75 years of age in Ukraine. However, it is obvious that no one will work anymore when they're 75. Moreover, people simply do not live to that age in Ukraine. However, there are about 18 million actually working people in the labor market. At the same time, only 11 million people pay insurance premiums. Therefore, we have the formula for the deficit of the Ukrainian budget," Rozenko said. As UNIAN reported earlier, the unemployment rate in Ukraine in March 2017 fell by 7.4%, against February, or 32,600 people in absolute terms, to 406,800 people. Read also Ukraine reports decrease in official unemployment rate The number of registered unemployed citizens made up 1.5% of the working-age population. Unemployed citizens receiving social assistance has dropped by almost 32,400 people, down to 332,800 people. At the same time, the average size of social assistance in March was UAH 2,028 compared to UAH 1,923 UAH in February this year. In March, 11.1% of registered unemployed were hired compared to 5.4% a month earlier. Tags: unemployment, Ukraine, Rozenko If you notice a spelling error, please highlight it with your mouse and press Ctrl+Enter ADD TO FAVORITESSEND EMAIL

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