dinsdag 25 april 2017

Separatisten Loehansk hebben nu Russische stroom

De separatisten in de provincie Loehansk krijgen stroom nu uit Rusland. Dat heeft de Russische hoofdonderhandelaar in Minsk tegen het persbureau RIA Novosti gezegd. Volgens Boris Grizlov ziet Rusland dit als ''humanitaire steun''.

Het door de pro-Russische rebellen bezette gebied werd afgelopen nacht afgesloten van het Oekraïense stroomnet vanwege de hoge schuldenlast, hoewel het kabinet eerder nog had besloten om dat ongeacht de schuldenlast juist niet te doen.

Bron: Unian
Russian government has decided to provide the militant-occupied part of Luhansk region with uninterrupted electricity supplies, according to the Russian envoy to the trilateral contact group for the Donbas settlement, Boris Gryzlov, RIA Novosti reports. Economy 16:20, 25 April 2017 Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN Electricity will be supplied "as humanitarian support," RIA Novosti quotes the official as saying. As UNIAN reported earlier, the Ukrainian side had shut down all power supplies to the occupied area of Luhansk region. Earlier, the Cabinet adopted resolution No. 263, which obliged the regional energy company Lugansk Energy Association to supply electricity to the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk region regardless of the level of payment. At the same time, the company repeatedly reported to the Energy and Coal Industry Ministry and other state agencies that large debts had accumulated on the part of consumers from the ATO zone. Read also Ukraine halts power supplies to occupied parts of Luhansk region In December 2016, due to debts, the company temporarily halted power supplies to KP Popasnyanskiy Vodokanal, which supplied water to the occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, temporarily uncontrolled by the Ukrainian authorities. Read also Ukraine considering halt of power supplies to occupied parts of Donetsk region As of December 2, the debt of the enterprise to Lugansk Energy Association was estimated at about UAH 124 million. On April 20, CEO of Lugansk Energy Association Volodymyr Gritsai claimed that the power supplies to the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk region would be completely halted starting April 25.

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