dinsdag 18 april 2017

Schade aan zes huizen Avdiivka door beschieting

Zes woningen aan de rand van de stad Avdiivka zijn gisteren beschadigd bij beschietingen door de pro-Russische rebellen. Van één woning is het dak ingestort. Niemand raakte overigens gewond. Wel raakte een Oekraïense soldaat elders gewond bij een aanval van de rebellen. In totaal voerden die gisteren 32 aanvallen uit op posities van het Oekraïense leger.

Van een staakt-het-vuren vanwege Pasen was evenwel geen sprake, want ook op paaszondag werden 22 aanvallen geregistreerd. Daarbij raakten twee soldaten gewond.

Zowel zondag als gisteren werden de soldaten bij Avdiivka door de rebellen onder vuur genomen. Ook de verdedigers van de kolenmijn Boetivka kregen het weer zwaar te verduren, terwijl in de omgeving van de havenstad Marioepol aanvallen werden uitgevoerd op legerposities bij de dorpen Pavlopil en Vodiane. In de doorgaans veel rustiger provincie Loehansk waren er beide dagen aanvallen op legerposities bij het dorp Novo-Oleksandrivka.

Bronnen: Unian, Ukrinform
Six private houses damaged in attack on Ukraine's Avdiyivka on Monday (Photos, video) Russia's hybrid forces have attacked residential areas of the Ukrainian-controlled town of Avdiyivka in Donetsk region, six private houses have been damaged, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) headquarters. War 23:14, 17 April 2017 196 Photo from facebook/ Photo from facebook/ "The Ukrainian members of the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) report ongoing attacks by illegal armed formations from the self-proclaimed republics in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, who aim at the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as civilians in villages and towns along the contact line. The town of Avdiyivka has recently seen escalation," the ATO HQ said on Monday evening with reference to the JCCC. According to preliminary reports, six residential houses on Avdiyivka's Turgenev Street have been damaged, the roof of one of the houses has been destroyed. Ukraine's Avdiyivka under attack again facebook/ Ukraine's Avdiyivka under attack again
facebook/ Ukraine's Avdiyivka under attack again
facebook/ Ukraine's Avdiyivka under attack again
facebook/ Ukraine's Avdiyivka under attack again
facebook/ Ukraine's Avdiyivka under attack again
facebook/ Ukraine's Avdiyivka under attack again
facebook/ Ukraine's Avdiyivka under attack again
facebook/ Information about casualties is being verified, it said. The JCCC also reported that the occupiers had used two 120mm mines, twenty-two 82mm mines, different types of grenade launchers and all types of small arms on Monday, which is a gross violation of the Minsk peace agreements on Donbas. Read also Ukraine reports 22 enemy attacks, two WIA's on Easter Sunday Such crimes committed by illegal armed formations have once again demonstrated that they deliberately escalate the conflict and are not going to observe the ceasefire or abide by the Minsk agreements, the ATO HQ said. It earlier reported 15 attacks on Ukrainian positions on Monday, April 17. One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in action on that day.

Read more on UNIAN:

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