De voormalige Majdan-activist meent dat het incident door de politie is uitgelokt en dat er onnodig veel geweld is gebruikt. Hij was uitgestapt om zichzelf kenbaar te maken als parlementslid, maar zou daarop gewond zijn geraakt door traangas. De agenten zouden met hun wapenstokken op de auto's hebben geslagen en er zou zijn geschoten. Politiechef Vjacheslav Abroskin erkende dat vanmorgen, maar zei er bij dat het om waarschuwingsschoten ging. De groep mannen zou op weg zijn geweest naar een spoorwegblokkade, waar ze de actievoerders wilden bijstaan.
Parasjoek werd niet gearresteerd, omdat hij als parlementslid onschendbaarheid geniet. Alleen het parlement kan die onschendbaarheid opheffen. Er werd vanmorgen wel een poging daartoe gedaan, maar die strandde. Het parlementslid Joeri Bereza (Volksfront) vroeg namens drie fracties toestemming om politieagenten en soldaten van de Nationale Garde te horen over de gebeurtenissen van gisteravond. Zover kwam het niet, want vice-parlementsvoorzitter Oksana Sirojid besloot de zitting voor vandaag te beëindigen.
Bronnen: Unian, 112
Police accuse MP
Parasiuk of violent attacks, reportedly resort to tear gas, warning
shots (Videos)
The National Police's main department in Donetsk region has revealed the
identity of a Member of Parliament who was involved in a mass brawl
between trade blockade supporters and police officers outside the town
of Sloviansk in Donbas on Tuesday evening, according to
23:49, 14 March 2017
Photo from UNIAN
MP Parasiuk enjoys parliamentary immunity / Photo from UNIAN
"[Former Maidan activist, incumbent Verkhovna Rada member Volodymyr]
Parasiuk was the leader of an attack on police. About 40-45 men attacked
police officers," chief of a police unit which was on duty in
Sloviansk, Colonel Yuriy Holuban said at a press conference on Tuesday, reported.
"I decided not to use firearms as there was a Member of Parliament.
After that they broke through the checkpoint [in Sloviansk], got into
the cars and drove down the road. Five officers from my unit were
injured. One officer was hit by Parasiuk's car, two more had their faces
inured, and two suffered through a tear gas exposure," Holuban said.
Read also
Seven police officers injured in brawl with supporters of trade blockade
in Donbas (Photos)
An investigation into the circumstances of the incident is under way.
Later, chief of the police in Donetsk region Viacheslav Abroskin said
that his department had transferred materials about the brawl to the
Prosecutor's Office in Donetsk region, which is to decide whether
criminal proceedings should be brought on the fact of violating public
order. Parasiuk though enjoys parliamentary immunity, and only the
parliament is able to strip him of the immunity if prosecutors submit a
respective motion.
Parasiuk's aide Iryna Holub posted footage from the site of the
incident. She claims that the police were the first to attack the
"unarmed" participants in the trade blockade.
In her words, Parasiuk's suffered from tear gas very much.
A column of vehicles was moving from Kharkiv to Bakhmut to support
protesters against trade with occupied areas in Donbas after a roadblock
near the Kryvy Torets railway station had been taken over by SBU and
SWAT officers. Protesters near Kryvy Torets were detained, but later the
police released them.
"Volodymyr Parasiuk came out of his car, introduced himself and asked to
let the car drive farther. But in response, police officers racked the
slide of their weapons and did not let his car move. Then they used tear
gas, hit the cars with batons and threatened that they would use arms,"
she told
Eyewitnesses claim that Parasiuk and two other men were hospitalized
because of a tear gas exposure.
Later, Parasiuk wrote on Facebook that fire had been opened on the
"They have just now opened fire on us," he wrote late on Tuesday.
According to the footage he posted, these were warning shots into the
air. Yet, police first denied they had used weapons.
Later the Ukrainian Interior Ministry's press service issued a statement
confirming that warning shots were fired when police wanted to stop a
convoy of cars, informed.
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