woensdag 8 maart 2017

Infographic: 'Groene mannetjes in de Donbas'

Het Ukraine Crisis Media Center heeft een overzicht 'Groene mannetjes in de Donbas' gepubliceerd van de Russische eenheden die in 2014 en 2015 actief waren in Oost-Oekraïne. ''Wij kunnen bewijzen dat Rusland voortdurend internationale regels en de mensenrechten schendt, maar ook dat dit land de rebellen blijft helpen'', luidt de toelichting bij deze infographic.

Bronnen: UCMC, Unian

Ukraine reveals Russian units involved in Donbas hostilities in 2014-2015 (infographics) Ukraine Crisis Media Center has published infographics on Russian military presence in eastern Ukraine in 2014-2015. War 16:00, 08 March 2017 96 READ LATER Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN An infographic identifies the units of the Russian Armed Forces that fought against Ukrainian defenders in the territory of eastern Ukraine in 2014-2015. The publication comes against the background of the launched hearings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague in a Ukraine vs. Russia case. Read also Ukraine highlights TOP 5 Russian lies in ICJ hearing "Ukraine is ready to prove that the Russian Federation continues to violate international law, abuses human rights and supplies deadly assistance to illegal armed groups in Ukraine that have committed numerous terrorist attacks," reads the report.

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