dinsdag 31 januari 2017

Video: rebellen hervatten aanvallen al na half uur

Militants fire Grads on Avdiyivka from residential areas in Donetsk (video) The combined Russian-separatist forces were reported to ignore the calls for a ceasefire overnight, the press service of the 72nd Guards separate mechanized brigade reported earlier in the morning of Tuesday, January 31. War 10:10, 31 January 2017 118 READ LATER Grad MLRS, illustration / Grad MLRS, illustration / "At about 05:40 [Kyiv time], the enemy launched four batches of [MLRS] Grad missiles, i.e. 160 shells. The fire came from the city of Donetsk, and as the Donetsk locals say in social networks, four Grads led fire from four different locations in civilian residential areas," the report says. Read also Russians guarantee 7 hours of "silence" in Avdiyivka, local authorities set to evacuate residents The military stressed that the attacks were continuing. The Russian military were ignoring the calls for a ceasefire. Journalist Julian Roepcke also reported on the shelling from Donetsk residential areas, posting on Twitter a corresponding video titled "MLRS attack from residential area in Donetsk last night. Putin brings back the horror of war to Ukraine."

Read more on UNIAN:

De pro-Russische rebellen hebben vanochtend vroeg vanuit woonwijken in de stad Donetsk Grad MRLS raketinstallaties ingezet tegen het 35 kilometer verderop gelegen Avdiivka. Er zouden zo'n 160 raketen zijn afgeschoten. De informatie komt van sociale media in Donetsk en wordt bevestigd door journalist Julian Roepcke van de Duitse krant Bild die ook een kort filmpje publiceerde.

Roepcke meldt inmiddels via Twitter dat de rebellen het door Russische generaals aangeboden staakt-het-vuren al na een half uur voor gezien hebben gehouden.

Bronnen: Unian, YouTube, Twitter

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