woensdag 25 januari 2017

Rebelen vallen 55 maal aan, één soldaat gewond

De pro-Russische rebellen voerden gisteren 55 aanvallen uit op posities van het Oekraïense leger. Daarbij viel één gewonde. In de buurt van Marioepol werden soldaten bij Krasnohorivka, Talakivka, Vodiane, Sjirokine, Lebedinske, Novotrojtske, Hnoetove, Novohrihorivka en Pavlopil aangevallen met raketaangedreven granaten. In Sjirokine, Hnoetove en Lebedinkse waren sluipschutters actief.

In de omgeving van Donetsk werden 120 millimeter mortieren ingezet tegen Nevelske, terwijl soldaten bij Avdiivka met 82 millimeter mortieren werden bestookt. Avdiivka, Loehanske, Zajteve en Kamjanka kregen ook te maken met raketaangedreven granaten. In de provincie Loehansk werden 122 millimeter artillerie en 120 millimeter mortieren gebruikt tegen soldaten bij Novozvanivka en Trojtske.

Bron: Unian
Ukraine reports 55 militant attacks, 1 WIA in last day The combined Russian-separatist forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 55 times in the past 24 hours with one Ukrainian soldier reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press service of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters. War 09:43, 25 January 2017 58 READ LATER REUTERS REUTERS In the Mariupol sector, Russia's hybrid military force fired rocket-propelled grenades and small arms on the town of Krasnohorivka, and the villages of Talakivka, Vodiane, Shyrokyne, Lebedynske, Novotroyitske, Hnutove, Novohryhorivka, and Pavlopil. Also, snipers were active in Shyrokyne, Hnutove and Lebedynske. Read also "Advancing gradually": ATO forces forecast when Donbas war ends "In the Luhansk sector, the militants used 122mm artillery systems and 120mm mortars to shell the villages of Novozvanivka and Troyitske. The village of Bohuslavske came under mortar fire. Additionally, the enemy fired rocket-propelled grenades and small arms on Troyitske," the report says. In the Donetsk sector, 120mm mortars were used to attack the village of Nevelske, while the town of Avdiyivka came under 82mm mortar fire. Further, the occupiers fired rocket-propelled grenades and small arms on Avdiyivka, and the villages of Luhanske, Zaitseve, and Kamianka.

Read more on UNIAN:

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