maandag 5 december 2016

Patriotten slaan alarm om ontbossing Karpaten

Aan de hand van satellietbeelden is te zien hoe snel de ontbossing van de Karpaten in zijn werk gaat. De bossen in het berggebied worden in rap tempo gekapt. De organisatie Oekraïense Patriotten laat aan de hand van de satellietbeelden zien hoe de situatie nu is, vergeleken met drie jaar geleden.

Bronnen: Unian, YouTube

Satellite imagery reveal disastrous pace of deforestation in Carpathians The most active process of forest cutting in the Carpathian mountains has been recorded over the last three years, according to Patriots of Ukraine. Ukraine 12:40, 05 December 2016 39 READ LATER Screenshot Screenshot Satellite images show the process of gradual disappearance of the forest cover of the Carpathian mountains. Read also Expert warns EU may sue Ukraine for ban on timber exports Timelapse by Google allows following up on the visible changes in the Carpathians, comparing today’s landscape with that of three years ago Patriots of Ukraine report.

Read more on UNIAN:

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