woensdag 2 november 2016

Oekraïne bereid tot gevangenenruil drie op één

Oekraïne is bereid drie separatisten te ruilen tegen één Oekraïense gevangene. ''We willen er alles aan doen om onze jongens weer thuis te krijgen'', zei directeur Vasil Hritsak van de staatsveiligheidsdienst SBOe er vanmiddag over tijdens een bezoek aan de stad Karamatorsk. Hij sprak de hoop uit dat priesters mee gaan helpen om zoveel mogelijk gevangenen vrij te krijgen.

Er zit momenteel geen schot in bij het ruilen van elkaars gevangenen. Volgens Irina Gerasjtsjenko, ondervoorzitter van het parlement en onderhandelaar in Minsk, ligt dat aan de separatisten die volledige amnestie eisen voor 600 van hen.

Bron: Unian
Chief of Ukraine’s SBU Security Service Vasyl Hrytsak said the agency is ready to exchange three detained militants for each Ukrainian hostage remaining in captivity in Donbas, according to an UNIAN correspondent reporting from Hrytsak’s briefing in Kramatorsk Wednesday. Ukraine 17:45, 02 November 2016 12 READ LATER REUTERS REUTERS "We have already reached the point when we are ready to give for each [Ukrainian hostage] three of them [the militants]. All we need is to bring our guys back home," he said. "We have prepared the lists and we have repeatedly passed these lists on to the other side in the framework of the Minsk format. I hope our priests will assist us along the religious line, to do some work in this respect and accelerate the process of settling this issue, to bring the guys back home," said Hrytsak. Read also Former hostage Zhemchuhov outraged at militants cheating in swap process As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukraine insists on the release of hostages in an "all for all" format, including Ukrainians, held in the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the country’s envoy to the humanitarian subgroup of the Trilateral contact group Iryna Gerashchenko said that the process of hostage release has been practically blocked by the militants. Read also Poroshenko: ICRC not allowed to Ukrainian hostages contrary to Berlin agreements Moreover, she said that the militants demanded amnesty fo

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