vrijdag 14 oktober 2016

Video: 360º beelden van vernielingen in Sjirokine

Journalists from Germany's Bild have posted footage from the Ukrainian village of Shyrokyne, which has suffered most during the war in Donbas. War 19:47, 11 October 2016 641 READ LATER Shyrokyne in ruins / Screenshot Shyrokyne in ruins / Screenshot The 360-degree video from the demolished village located at the Sea of Azov is available on Bild's official YouTube channel. The journalists describe the village as one of the most ruined populated localities in eastern Ukraine. Read also Ukraine reports 2 KIA, 8 WIA in past 24 hours Shyrokyne is located about 24 km from the Ukrainian-controlled strategic port city of Mariupol.

Read more on UNIAN:
Journalists from Germany's Bild have posted footage from the Ukrainian village of Shyrokyne, which has suffered most during the war in Donbas. War 19:47, 11 October 2016 641 READ LATER Shyrokyne in ruins / Screenshot Shyrokyne in ruins / Screenshot The 360-degree video from the demolished village located at the Sea of Azov is available on Bild's official YouTube channel. The journalists describe the village as one of the most ruined populated localities in eastern Ukraine. Read also Ukraine reports 2 KIA, 8 WIA in past 24 hours Shyrokyne is located about 24 km from the Ukrainian-controlled strategic port city of Mariupol.

Read more on UNIAN:
Journalisten van de Duitse krant Bild hebben de vernielingen in beeld gebracht die de beschietingen van de pro-Russische rebellen hebben aangericht in het dorp Sjirokine, dat op 24 kilometer van de strategisch gelegen stad Marioepol ligt. De journalisten constateerden dat er van het dorp aan de Zee van Azov niets meer over is.

Bronnen: Bild, YouTube

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