dinsdag 27 september 2016

Separatisten bijeen in Moskou, ook uit Donbas

Vertegenwoordigers van afscheidingsbeweging uit Europa kwamen afgelopen weekeinde bijeen in Moskou. Onder de deelnemers bevonden zich separatisten uit Transnistrië, het Spaanse Catalonië, Noord-Ierland en zelfs uit de Verenigde Staten. De separatisten uit Donetsk en Loehansk waren niet officieel uitgenodigd, maar hadden wel vertegenwoordigers gestuurd. Volgens de organisatoren was het belangrijkste gespreksonderwerp het recht op vreedzame zelfbeschikking.

Het was het tweede internationale congres van afscheidingsbewegingen in de Russische hoofdstad. De Russische autoriteiten spendeerden er 3,5 miljoen roebel (bijna 50.000 euro) aan hoewel separatisme bij de wet verboden is in Rusland.

Bron: Unian
Russian capital hosted a "separatist conference" It is the second year the convention of non-recognized republics takes place in the Russian capital, according to Ukraine Today. World 10:08, 27 September 2016 27 READ LATER Representatives of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics were not officially included in the "separatist conference" participation list, however, some of them attended the event anyway, Ukraine Today reported. This is the second time the conference takes place in Moscow. This year, dozens of separatist movements and non-recognized republics were invited to the event. In particular, Transnistria, separatists from the Spanish Catalonia, Northern Ireland and even from the United States. Though Donbas separatists were not officially invited, some of them attended the meeting, even being interviewed by Russian media. The conference's organizers say the leading topic is a right of nations to a peaceful self-determination. Read also Kremlin to hold 2nd Int'l Congress of separatists in Moscow Russian authorities financed the event spending RUB 3.5 million (around $55,000). Ironically, the Russian legislation considers separatism within the Russian borders a criminal offense. See’s video section for more of the latest news from Ukraine in video from Ukraine Today, Ukraine’s 24-hour English-language news channel.

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