maandag 29 augustus 2016

SBOe pakt 106 begrafenisgangers op in Donbas

De staatsveiligheidsdienst SBOe heeft 106 mannen gearresteerd die voor de begrafenis van maffiabaas Lecha Krasnodonskoj naar de stad Svjatorhirsk in de provincie Donetsk waren gekomen. Krasnodonskoj overleed afgelopen donderdag aan een hartaanval na een overdosis. Hij stond er om bekend dat hij gevangenen in strafkolonies aanzette tot wangedrag.

De 106 door de SBOe opgepakte mannen zijn bendeleider, afkomstig uit Rusland, Moldavië en de door de pro-Russische rebellen bezette gebieden. Onderzocht wordt of ze banden hebben met de separatisten.

Bron: Unian

Over 100 crime bosses detained amid peer's funeral in eastern Ukraine (Photos) The SBU Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police have detained 106 crime bosses near the town of Sviatohirsk in Donetsk region, the venue of the funerals of the criminal lord dubbed Lekha Krasnodonskoy, according to the SBU press service. Politics 23:59, 28 August 2016 468 READ LATER Photo from Photo from They were apprehended for the police to "check if their stay in Ukrainian territory was legal," the SBU press center said. Photo from Photo from "The criminal lord who was known for organizing acts of convicts' disobedience in correctional colonies died on August 25 from a heart attack caused by a drug overdose," they said. Photo from Photo from Police officers are checking whether the detainees have any connection with terrorists from the DPR/LPR terrorist organizations, as among them are those who have arrived from Russia, Moldova and temporarily occupied territory in Donbas, the SBU said.

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