zaterdag 20 augustus 2016

Rebellen bestoken Svitlodarsk met zware wapens

De pro-Russische rebellen hadden het gisteren vooral voorzien op Svitlodarsk, vlakbij het door hen bezette Horlivka. Er werden bijna vijftig 152 millimeter artilleriegranaten en bijna honderd 120 millimeter artilleriegranaten door ze afgevuurd op soldaten bij het stadje. Elders in deze regio werden posities van het Oekraïense leger door de rebellen bestookt bij Krasnii Pachar , Majorsk, Loehanske en Zajtseve, het industrieterrein van de stad Avdiivka en de kolenmijn Boetivka.

In de omgeving van de havenstad Marioepol werden zware mortieren, granaatwerpers en zware machinegeweren ingezet tegen soldaten bij Marinka, Vodiane en Sjirokine. Op de dorpen Hnoetove en Novotrojtske werden granaten afgevuurd, terwijl soldaten bij Berezove rond middernacht met 122 millimeter artillerie onder vuur werden genomen. Nabij Hnoetove werd tweemaal een sluipschutter gesignaleerd.

In de provincie Loehansk beschoten de rebellen legerposities bij Zhovte, Zolote, Stanitsja Loehanska en Popasna. In totaal werden 49 aanvallen van de rebellen geregistreerd. Daarbij kwam een Oekraïense soldaat om het leven, vier soldaten raakten gewond.

Bron: Unian
ATO HQ: Russian proxies attack Ukraine 49 times in past day Combined Russian-separatist forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine 49 times in the past 24 hours, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters. War 11:08, 20 August 2016 11 READ LATER REUTERS REUTERS The enemy violated the ceasefire 27 times in the Donetsk sector, having launched eight heavy artillery shells on the villages of Krasniy Pakhar and Zaitseve, the ATO HQ said in an update, as of 06:00 Kyiv time on August 20. Also, Russia's hybrid military force fired mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns on Ukrainian positions in the town of Avdiyivka and the villages of Maiorsk, Zaitseve and Luhanske, as well as 82mm and 120mm mortars on the village of Pisky and at the Butivka coal mine. The militants launched some four dozen 152mm shells and seven dozen 120mm shells on the town of Svitlodarsk. They also fired from infantry fighting vehicles near Luhanske and Zaitseve. Read also Russian proxies attack Ukraine 73 times in last day In the Mariupol sector, the occupiers violated the ceasefire 17 times. They fired 120mm and 80mm mortars, grenade launchers and heavy machine guns on Ukrainian fortified positions in the town of Maryinka and the villages of Vodiane and Shyrokyne. The armed provocations continued with the use of rocket-propelled grenades and small arms in the villages of Hnutove and Novotroyitske. The enemy fired from infantry fighting vehicles near the villages of Starohnativka and Shyrokyne. About midnight, the occupiers began firing 122mm heavy artillery at Ukrainian fortified positions in the village of Berezove. Additionally, sniper fire was recorded twice in Hnutove. Read also Ukraine reports 2 KIA, 8 WIA in past 24 hours In Luhansk region, Russian-backed mercenaries fired rocket-propelled grenades on the Ukrainian military in the village of Zhovte and the town of Zolote. They also fired 82mm mortars in the village of Stanytsia Luhanska, as well as small arms in the town of Popasna.

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