maandag 25 juli 2016

Video: Rusland wil gas winnen in Oekraïens deel van de Zwarte Zee

De grensbewaking heeft een video met luchtopnames vrijgegeven waaruit blijkt Rusland boorplatforms plaatst op de Oekraïense gasvelden in de Zwarte Zee. Ook zijn bevoorradingsschepen onder Russische vlag gezien bij de gasvelden Odessa en Holitsin. ''Het duidt er op dat Rusland vergevorderde plannen heeft voor gaswinning in onze territoriale wateren'', aldus de Dienst voor de Grensbewaking.
Bronnen: Unian, YouTube

Russia builds drill towers on Ukrainian gas fields in Black Sea (video) Ukrainian border aircraft have recorded and confirmed the deployment of jack-up drilling rigs, fixed platforms and support vessels under the Russian flag in the Odesa and Holitsyn gas fields, according to the press service of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Economy 16:45, 25 July 2016 95 READ LATER 0 0 0 0 0 Drill towers / Screenshot Drill towers / Screenshot "The presence of supply vessels under the flag of the Russian Federation on the fields may indicate a continuation of the illegal exploration and exploitation of natural resources, as well as the operation of facilities and buildings for commercial purposes, without the permission of the competent authorities of Ukraine," the border guards stated. The State Border Guards Service has informed the concerned ministries and departments.

Read more on UNIAN:
Russia builds drill towers on Ukrainian gas fields in Black Sea (video) Ukrainian border aircraft have recorded and confirmed the deployment of jack-up drilling rigs, fixed platforms and support vessels under the Russian flag in the Odesa and Holitsyn gas fields, according to the press service of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

"The presence of supply vessels under the flag of the Russian Federation on the fields may indicate a continuation of the illegal exploration and exploitation of natural resources, as well as the operation of facilities and buildings for commercial purposes, without the permission of the competent authorities of Ukraine," the border guards stated. The State Border Guards Service has informed the concerned ministries and departments.

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