maandag 11 juli 2016

Video: inwoners Horlivka verjagen waarnemers OVE

Boze inwoners hebben de waarnemers van de OVSE verjaagd die een bezoek kwamen brengen aan de stad Horlivka die in handen is van de separatisten. Een twintigtal belaagde de waarnemers en eiste dat ze een eind maken aan het oorlogsgeweld. Toen de OVSE'ers weg wilden rijden, werden hun auto's tegen gehouden. Een man schreeuwde naar ze dat ze uit de auto's moesten komen ''zodat we die tenminste kunnen verkopen om wat te eten te krijgen''.

De OVSE heeft nog geen officiële reactie gegeven op het incident. Waarnemers worden geregeld lastig gevallen als zij hun werk willen doen.

Bronnen: Unian, YouTube

Hostile locals in occupied Horlivka confront OSCE monitors Nearly 20 agitated residents of the militant-occupied Horlivka in Donbas attacked an OSCE special monitoring mission patrol, demanding that officials “stop the shelling and help the people.” War 18:40, 11 July 2016 186 READ LATER 0 0 0 0 0 Horlivka / Screenshot from video Horlivka / Screenshot from video At first, the locals attempted to engage in a conversation with one of the monitors, but failed to reach an understanding due to language barriers. Read also OSCE: Three children killed in grenade blast in militant-occupied Yenakiieve As the monitors tried to leave the scene, local residents were seen blocking their vehicles, with one man calling for the OSCE SMM officers to “get out of the vehicles” so that the residents “could at least sell them and earn some money.” There were also threats to damage the patrol vehicles. However, no damage occurred. At the time of publication, the OSCE SMM has not released an official comment regarding the incident. Attention! The video contains profanity (in Russian) As UNIAN reported earlier, pro-Russian militant leaders denied access to OSCE monitors to those areas where the strongholds of the so-called "7th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade” were set up.

Read more on UNIAN:
Hostile locals in occupied Horlivka confront OSCE monitors Nearly 20 agitated residents of the militant-occupied Horlivka in Donbas attacked an OSCE special monitoring mission patrol, demanding that officials “stop the shelling and help the people.” War 18:40, 11 July 2016 186 READ LATER 0 0 0 0 0 Horlivka / Screenshot from video Horlivka / Screenshot from video At first, the locals attempted to engage in a conversation with one of the monitors, but failed to reach an understanding due to language barriers. Read also OSCE: Three children killed in grenade blast in militant-occupied Yenakiieve As the monitors tried to leave the scene, local residents were seen blocking their vehicles, with one man calling for the OSCE SMM officers to “get out of the vehicles” so that the residents “could at least sell them and earn some money.” There were also threats to damage the patrol vehicles. However, no damage occurred. At the time of publication, the OSCE SMM has not released an official comment regarding the incident. Attention! The video contains profanity (in Russian) As UNIAN reported earlier, pro-Russian militant leaders denied access to OSCE monitors to those areas where the strongholds of the so-called "7th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade” were set up.

Read more on UNIAN:

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