vrijdag 1 juli 2016

Verwarming en warm water dubbel zo duur

De kosten van (stads)verwarming en warmwater zijn met ingang van vandaag verdubbeld. Dat is het gevolg van de nieuwe, gestandaardiseerde gasprijs die de verwarmingsbedrijven moeten betalen. President Petro Porosjenko noemde de landelijk vastgestelde gasprijs eerder ''een belangrijke stap in de richting van corruptie'', omdat speculatie met aardgas er mee wordt tegengegaan. De gasprijs is sinds 1 mei echter wel een stuk hoger door het volledig schrappen van de overheidssubsdie.

Gevolg is echter wel dat de verwarmingsbedrijven veel meer kosten doorberekenen aan hun klanten. De bedrijven rekenen niet allemaal dezelfde prijs. Dat is duidelijk te zien in Kiev. In de hoofdstad zijn twee bedrijven actief: Kyivenergo en Euro-Rekonstruktsia. Terwijl Kyivenergo 83,1 hrivna (3 euro) per kubieke meter rekent, vraagt Euro-Rekonstruktsia maar 71,83 hrivna. Zonder een verwarmd handdoekenrek in de badkamer is dat respectievelijk 76,71 of 66,37 hrivna, In Lviv levert Lvivteploenergo voor respectievelijk 80,42 en 74,03 hrivna.

Bron: Unian
Ukraine sees twofold increase in hot water and central heating tariffs from July 1 Ukrainian households will start getting higher hot water and heat bills from July 1, according to a resolution of the National Regulatory Commission for Energy and Utilities. Economy 11:15, 01 July 2016 35 READ LATER 0 0 0 0 0 Photo from UNIAN Photo from UNIAN The increase in tariffs is related to a change in gas price that has been set at UAH 6,879 ($273) per 1,000 cubic meters for households and heating utility companies starting from May 1. The price of one cubic meter of hot water will depend on a company that provides such services, and the availability of a heated towel rail in a flat. Hot water supply services in the Ukrainian capital are provided by PJSC Kyivenergo and LLC Euro-Rekonstruktsia (Darnytsia CHP). Thus, the price of hot water supplied by Kyivenergo will amount from July to UAH 83.1 per cubic meter (with a heated towel rail) and to UAH 76.71 (without a heated towel rail). The price of hot water supplied by Euro-Rekonstruktsia has grown to UAH 71.83 per cubic meter (with a heated towel rail), and to UAH 66.37 (without a heated towel rail). In Lviv, the price of hot water supplied by Lvivteploenergo amounts to UAH 80.42 per cubic meter (with a heated towel rail) and UAH 74.03 per cubic meter (without a heated towel rail). The price of hot water supplied by Zaliznychteploenergo stands at UAH 77.42 per cubic meter (with a heated towel rail) and UAH 71.54 per cubic meter (without a heated towel rail). In Odesa, the price of hot water has increased to UAH 77.18 per cubic meter (with a heated towel rail) and UAH 71.37 per cubic meter (without a heated towel rail). In addition, the national energy and utility regulator has increased central heating tariffs in Ukraine by an average of 75-90% against the backdrop of establishing a single gas price for households at UAH 6,879 per 1,000 cubic meters starting from May 1. Other Ukrainian cities will see similar tariff growth. As the Cabinet took its decision on the gas price on April 27, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv and Minister of Energy and Coal Industry Ihor Nasalyk noted that the move would put an end to speculative transactions on the gas market. Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said that the decision was not an easy one as it would spark debates, but it would eliminate all illegal schemes allowing profits due to gas price margins. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko described the government's decision as a serious anti-corruption step.

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